Down With the King

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"-ou think I'm pregnant? Why? Do I look pregnant?"

Adam's eyes widened and he quickly tried to backtrack. "No! That's not what I meant, I swear to God!"

I smirked. "I know. You think I am because of the bad sleeping and the throwing up and the weird cravings I've been having-" I shut my mouth quickly."

"What weird cravings?" He asked quickly and sat up.

"None. Forget I said that."

"Nix, c'mon! I'm freaking out here!"

"About what?" I crossed my legs and Adam crawled on his hands and knees to sit in front of me. "Would it freak you out?"

"Phoenix," Adam said, dead serious and voice low. "I've told you this before; if you do get pregnant then I'll be the happiest man on earth-I'd do anything for you. I promise."

I didn't really know how to respond to him besides sliding into his lap, my heart thundering. "I...I don't know. But Adam, is it wrong that I kind of hope I'm...not?"

He furrowed his brows. "How do you mean?"

I inhaled deeply. "Like, I'm not ready. Right now I just can't be ready no matter what,a nd you're always gone, and I'm always busy and hell, we don't even have a puppy! How could we take care of a child if we can't take care of a puppy!"

"You've lost me..."

I rubbed my temples in distress. "Remember me once saying that if we ever think about having kids I wanted to get a dog first, like a trial run to sort of ease us into that sort of routine?"

"Oh, yeah."

He brushed a hand over my hair, waiting for me to continue if I wanted.

"Adam, I'm afraid of that pain and that commitment. Who am I kidding? I'm not mature enough for this at all!"

I burst into tears, suddenly wishing that I was alone. It was one of those cries where it was embarrassing to be around someone else, but Adam was here to comfort me and I had to accept his kindness.

"Nixxy, that is the most ridiculous thing you have ever said. You are more than mature enough for that sort of responsibility. You're waaayy more mature than I am, for God's sakes. You'd be so much better prepared for that than I would be. And you know, have a kid makes you 'grow up' faster than anything, but you wouldn't be alone for any step of it. Any hey," He cupped my face in his warm hands. "Whether you are or you aren't right now, and whether or not you ever want to have kids, I know you have the strength and the heart for it. Okay?" He brushed away a stray tear with his thumb and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, beautiful girl. Always remember that."

"I love you too.

We eventually fell asleep and woke up at 9:30 the next morning to hear the sounds of snowballs hitting our window and the side of the house. Adam groaned and pulled the cover up over his head.

I giggled and ducked under the blanket to join him, poking him in the shoulder until he moved again.

"Babe, it snowed last night! We need to go and play in it!"

"Are you serious."

"As a heart attack. Now wake up before I push you out of bed."

Without even opening his eyes, Adam smirked flirtatiously. "The only reason you would ever kick me out of bed is so we do it on the floor."


I shoved him to the ground just as I had warned I would, but he snagged me with him and we tumbled to the ground in a tangle of limbs and sheets. Adam held me to him so I didn't even touch the ground but was lying on top of him. His eyes lit up.

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