Just Our Friend

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I felt totally awkward in this gay bar, Don't Tell Mama, but Adam and Sauli were having a great time and that's all that mattered. It was nearly one in the morning, I'd danced, downed enough caffeine to keep me going for days, and now I was shot. My head was killing me and I felt mildly sick from the sugar and smoke. And that's when the yell from the bartender met my ears, turning heads."Take it outside, guys!" I craned my neck and caught sight of the boys, staring each other down, pure fury on Adam's face as he glared down at Sauli. I got up from my table and made my way through the crowd but didn't reach them before they were shoved out the door by the bouncer. "Adam!"Out on the sidewalk Adam was yelling at Sauli, waving his arms, lips pulled back from his teeth like a wolf. Sauli's tired face was fallen, looking a little frightened as Adam stepped closer."Adam, stop!" I shouted, running down the sidewalk towards them."God, Sauli, what is your problem?! Huh??""Nothing! Back off!"I reached Sauli's side just as Adam did the unthinkable: he swung.Sauli ducked back but I didn't have time and Adam's fist collided with my jaw, knocking me to the cold ground."Oh my god! Nix!" Sauli was at my side, blocking Adam from my view as he brushed my hair from my face. Tears streamed down my face from pain and shock at what my best friend had just done, even if it was an accident.Sauli helped me sit up while Adam began apologizing profusely."Shut the hell up, Adam!" Sauli snarled, casting a glare back at his boyfriend. I touched my lip, feeling blood. I looked up at Adam with the tears streaming down my face."Nix, I'm so, SO sorry. God, I don't know what I was thinking."The sound of sirens filled the cold night air and we looked around."Damn," Sauli muttered. The police car pulled up to the curb and the cop got out, while a second one followed."I got a call, guys. What's going on here?" he spotted me. "You alright ma'am?" he asked.I nodded, getting to my feet and staggering a little, clutching Sauli's arm."J-just a misunderstanding, officer.""That's not exactly what I heard. Was the lady involved in this?" Adam shook his head. "No, sir. She's just our friend." The officer nodded, being joined by his friend."Well, I've got a call with several complaints. So I'm going to have to bring you two into custody. Ma'am, if you need a ride back to somewhere we're more than happy to do so."I looked at Sauli, avoiding Adam all together. Sauli nodded, giving my hand a squeeze. "Do you still have the hotel key?" "Yeah. Are you guys gonna be okay?"Sauli didn't answer. I cast a sideways glance at Adam, who was staring at the ground.He's just drunk. He didn't mean it. Not to hit me, no. But to hit Sauli? Yes. He's just drunk...

(Sorry it's short! I have a few random, possible "in-between" scenes, flashbacks, all that that I forgot to add in a while ago, so I may be posting a couple of them today if I can hunt them up in my email lol.

Anyways, thanks for reading!


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