Like An Animal

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We snacked on junk food and curled up together on the couch, watching whatever random movies we could find. I sprawled across Adam's lap, my eyes drifting shut as he massaged my head and traced patterns along my back.

The sound of his phone going off made me jerk out of my stupor. Adam groaned but answered it.

"Hello? Hey Rush- damn! I totally forgot about tonight!" Adam clapped a hand to his forehead. "I'm so sorry- I was with Nix..."

I strained my ears to hear Rush's voice on the other end.

"Oh, I hope I didn't interrupt anything...?"

Adam glanced down at me and winked, his eyes full of mischief. "Well, nothing that we can't pick up later."

I sat up and swatted Adam on the arm. "Adam! Shut up!" I blushed.

He smirked but stood up. "Okay, Rush, I'll be up there in like fifteen minutes. I'm so sorry again. I'll totally perform another song to make up for it. Alright, see you."

Adam sighed and looked down at me. "Babe, I forgot that I had to perform tonight at the Ghost Bar lounge...I'm sorry."

I nodded, stood up and stretched. "It's fine. I forgot about that too. Let's go get you dressed."

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder, his lips at my ear. "Or undressed?"

Heat flooded my cheeks and I untangled myself from his clutches. "Adam Mitchel Lambert, get out of the gutter."

"But I like it down here," he whined. "Join me, won't you?"

I rolled my eyes and went up the stairs to his room and began to rifle through his clothes.

"How about this?" I suggested, turning to show him what I'd come up with. A classy full black suit, a studded, glitzy belt and a heavy silver necklace that was almost a choker. Adam raised his eyebrows at my choice of attire for him, but I shook my head.

"Trust me. This is Vegas, baby. You can pull this off. Now hurry up and get dressed!"

"But what do I do with my hair? It's still a mess from earlier."

"We'll deal with that after." I pushed him into his bathroom.

When he emerged a few minutes later, he was trying to tease and spray his hair into something decent. I unbuttoned the first two top buttons of his dress shirt, smoothed out the lapels, and helped him tease his hair up into his signature quaff.

"There. Perfect."

He kissed me briefly, smiling. "Are you coming?"

I shrugged. "I need way more time to get ready than you, so I might, but I'll probably miss the song. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Text me when if you decide to come."

We kissed once more and he hurried off to the Ghost Bar, leaving me alone in the penthouse yet again.

I sighed and treaded off to my room, hunting around until I found a pale green lace halter neck dress that hugged my curves and went an inch or so above my knees, and matched it with a pair of nude peep toe heels. I brushed a light shimmer of pink eyeshadow over my lids, lip-gloss, and tossed my hair up into a messy half up do.

As Adam requested, I texted him that I was leaving and made my way to the floor above. I followed the hallway down the the Lounge, where I heard the sweet, sultry sounds of my boyfriend's voice floating through the speakers.

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