So Much It Hurts

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"I thought we were going to London first?" I half whined, hand in the air. My professor, Eric Trainer, looked down his hipster glasses at me. He was a pretty laid back guy, and young for his teaching position. He wore maroon jeans, dockers, a button down white shirt with the Polo logo on the chest: the quintessential hipster.

But he was a hell of an artist and designer and we all respected him greatly, just currently I was frustrated as hell due to this news. We would be hitting Berlin first instead of London, which meant my chance to see Adam was dashed.

"Yes, we were asked to attend a special presentation there and it's a great honor. And I thought you would be excited and proud of your team for this special honor, Ms. Barrow."

"I am, sir, just...surprised."

I glanced over at Casey to find that she was already looking at me. I returned to my notes but didn't hear a word that was said through the rest of class.

I was teary when I called Adam that evening, completely forgetting the time difference and calling him at four in the morning. His sleepy "hello?" turned into a sharp "Nix, what's wrong?" once he heard my thick voice.

"They-changed-our-o-our dates. We're going to Berlin instead of London."

"Oh, God. Nix, I thought something horrible had happened."

I flopped onto the bed-his bed. Our bed? -and pulled the black pillow to me. "It is horrible, Adam! I miss you like hell and now we'll just be away for that much longer."

"Baby, listen, calm down-"

"I am calm!"

"Nix. Maybe I can get some time off and meet you somewhere, okay? Send me your schedule again and I'll send you mine. In the morning. We'll make it work, alright? I promise."

I sniffled and Adam made a cooing sound. "Nixxy, shh, it'll be okay, sweetie."

"I just miss you so much," I whispered. "It hurts."

"I miss you too, honey. But we'll figure this out, I swear."

"I should let you go..."

"Call me in the morning?"

"Yep. Love you, baby."

We hung up and I shut my eyes, somehow managing to drift into sleep.


Time jump

Lauren sat across from me, cupping her mug of hot coffee, her dark, chocolate brown hair spilling into her face.

"Just say something," I prodded, my own drink untouched.

Lauren inhaled a shaky breath and blinked rapidly; fighting back tears.

"I understand if you don't want me to-to meet him," I stammered awkwardly. "But please just say something."

"Adam," Lauren said at last, her voice breaking. "Adam, he- he died. I lost him at 6 months. He just- just stopped breathing and the doctors didn't know why."

My heart pittered its way to an uneven bounce; my hands were numb.

Relief and shock hitting hard at once.

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