When The End Came

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Lauren smirked at me, dark hair falling in front of her eyes. I leaned against the door-frame of the small hotel room the studio had put me up in.

"Lauren? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a choked voice. Her calculating chocolate eyes scanned over my bare chest and I crossed my arms.

"Seriously, Adam? You're not a girl."

"Neither are you," I retorted. "You're a witch."

"You like the dark, mysterious things."

I ran a hand over my face. "Lauren, I'm not in the fucking mood right now. I'm exhausted and I can't handle any more guilt."

"Is that a pun?"

I inhaled. "Listen, if someone catches you here I'm screwed, okay?"

"Where's the fun in doing what you're told?"

"At least it means I won't get ratted out."

Lauren rolled her eyes and was suddenly in my room.

"Lauren, get the fuck out!" I said in a dark voice, grabbing her roughly by the arm and yanking her towards the door. "Now."

The smell of coconut and vanilla coming from her made me pause as it filled the room, noticeable, but not too overbearing. She was gazing up at me through her dark lashes; my breath picked up. She was so different from Nix; dangerous, experimental in all the best ways, wild; everything Nix wasn't.

Adam, don't. You're just making this worse for yourself.

"C'mon, Adam." Purred Lauren, trailing a hand down my stomach. I bit my lip and shut my eyes; I wanted to.


"How am I supposed to trust you?" I asked quietly.

She was silent for a moment, eyes unfocused. "Guess you can't. But that's the fun part, isn't it?"

"No, that's the dangerous part." I was cut-off by her standing on her tiptoes and crashing her lips against mine.

And just like that my walls came down and any rational thought disappeared like smoke.

I slammed the door shut and pushed Lauren up against it, pulling her shirt over her head and throwing it to the side, then moved my lips to her jaw.

Her hands swiftly undid my jeans and I kicked those off so I could drag her to the bed. In seconds she was on her back and I was hovering above her, kissing her frantically, unable to go a nanosecond without the taste of her. Lauren locked her arms around my neck, gasping whenever I I broke apart for a split second to catch my breath, her eyes shut tight and she moved her hands up and down my back. She pulled away from me and kissed my neck, her soft lips brushing against my skin and making me shiver. I fell to my forearms with a groan, head dropped by her shoulder.

"Oh my god," I moaned. Lauren moved to the other side, more intense with her movements now until I was biting my lip. She nipped at my shoulder and I grinned before drawing away to continue kissing her aggressively. She whined and sucked in a shaky breath, chest rising and falling fast.

"Adam, please," She hissed as her hands tangled in my hair to bring me down closer to her.

"Or maybe," I panted, "I'll leave it at this just to be mean."

"You know you can't." She whispered. Of course I couldn't, but it was a fun idea.

She moaned and curled up to me, moving with the motions of my hips, nails digging at the skin of my back, but I didn't feel it.

Nor did I feel the shame and self-loathing at myself like I usually did.

I was numb. Numb to the world, numb to everything I was, the person I'd become.

This charade and the lies were something I wouldn't be able to keep up with for much longer.

I had to confess to Nix, and I had to do it soon. I couldn't change my ways because I was a coward afraid of commitment, unable to get help to fix a fixable problem to save my relationship with the best thing that had ever happened to me. I was just going to keep it up with Sauli and Lauren because I liked the fear, the risk.

And as soon as the truth was out I could do this guilt-free. Sauli and Lauren didn't care if I saw both of them at the same time, and that was all I was looking for. Below me, in the low light, Lauren bit back her scream and I skipped my tongue into her mouth to silence her.

She could be all I needed when the end came.

(Ooohh don't hate me! Things are gonna get real soon. And not Adam's definition of 'soon.' ;P

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Don't forget to check out B.Gs Spotify playlist, which I just updated! 

As always I will see you in the next chapter!


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