Always a Mystery

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When I woke up again for the second time, after having drifted off, the remorse was still ever present; as it probably would be for the rest of my life.

One thing was for sure though; my arm was aching like never before. I'd easily bled through the gauze by now and it was time to change it.

Nix was asleep, her delicate hand curled up beneath her head. A sad smile crossed my lips when I looked at her black painted nails; she'd bugged me into doing them a few days ago so that we matched.

She really deserved better than me. So unaware.

I swallowed hard and dragged myself to the bathroom, a little weary to see the damage.

It was bad. My arm was red and raw, with the ugly black stitches nearly blending in with my tattooed skin, but still visible. I was startled by the morbid sight, and forgot what to do next. Oh, right. Wash it in the solution the hospital gave me then wrap it back up.

They had told me no strenuous activity but that's just what I'd done.

Multiple times.

Ten minutes later with some profuse whisper-swearing and grimacing at the pain, my arm was covered.

"Adam?" Came Nix's sleepy voice. "You didn't ditch me, did you?"

I tried to chuckle without showing the pain. "No, baby. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

She came into the bathroom dressed in my long shirt from the day before, looking so freaking adorable with the sleeves going way past her hands.

"You didn't, I just missed you." She walked up behind me and hugged me around my middle, resting her cheek against my back. I put my hands on hers and stared at my face in the huge mirror; I wasn't looking so good, but there was no hiding the horrible things I'd done; my eyes would always show it. She couldn't be able to see it.

Nix pulled away and placed her fingernails gently into the crescent moon shapes she had left on my shoulders last night.

"I'm sorry, Ad! I didn't realize that hurt,"

I shook my head and turned around to take her in my arms. "Babe, it didn't hurt. Promise. It just drove me crazy,"

She giggled when I nuzzled her neck and kissed her pink skin. We stayed like that for a few moments before Nix gasped and clapped a hand to her forehead.

"Oh my gosh!"

"What?" I asked, taken-aback.

"I have school!"

"Please don't call it school, Nixxy. Makes it sound like you're underage."

She laughed. "Ew, you're right. I have class."

"Hmmm...still no."

"I have to go to college." She said, over pronouncing every word.

"There ya go. And to add to that statement; no. You have to stay home today."

She raised an eyebrow. "Ad, I can't just skip school."

"You can if you call in sick. Or just...ditch." I winked at her.

"My my, Mr. Lambert, teaching me such bad habits already? Did you ever ditch?"

I shrugged and took her in my arms again, tighter so that she wouldn't be tempted to leave.

"Oh yeah. But it was usually because I had some theatre thing to do. Rehearsals, auditions, parties. My parents hated it because they said I was a bad influence on Neil."

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