I Don't Remember...

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Flashback (the day before)

Los Angeles

It was going to get hectic as hell getting ready for Berlin, and the next day, I had my entire morning free before my classes at 2 that afternoon.

When I woke up, I saw my phone was missing, which led me to upturning the house before I found it on the pool deck on the glass table. It was dead, so I rushed in to grab my charger- hate it when that happens.

Once the phone had enough battery to even turn on, I quickly saw the fifteen notifications-none of which came from my usual social media updates.

They were all from Luke, Adam's manager.

I hurried to call him back, wondering what on earth must be wrong for him to be hounding me so much

"Nix? Where the hell have you been?!"

"Whoa, chill, Luke. My phone died. What's wrong?"

"It's Adam. He sort of had an accident while he was leaving the venue. In the parking lot."

I covered my mouth, the visions of Adam being struck by a huge tour bus filling my head. "Oh my god! What happened? Is he okay?" I was pacing, no clue what to do.

"A car grazed him coming around the blind turn into the parking lot. It rolled him a few yards and he fell down pretty hard, dislocated his hip and might have sprained his wrist and broken a finger or two, but it's mostly just some scrapes and bruises."

"Where is he?"

"We just took him to the hospital, he didn't want to but I insisted."

"I need to be there...where do I need to go?"

"Nix, are you sure you can just leave-?"

"YES. He's my boyfriend. Not only that, but he's a wimp and will want someone to take care of him. Let me just make some calls and text you later, okay?"

Luke gave me the hotel and hospital information, then I tore open my laptop, booked a flight, then texted Casey and Jasmin, along with the powers that be to fill them in about my current predicament.

No one was about to stop me.

Bags haphazardly packed and slung over my shoulder, I rushed to the car, mind consumed with Adam.

I was in the BMW and speeding through traffic, and managed to reach LAX just in time to board the plane, which was the most agonizing 10 hours of my life.

London, England

"Nix, hey, calm down. It's okay, he's fine. He's a strong guy and he got out of the way for the most part."

I nodded, taking a few deep breaths and followed Luke up to the fourth floor where Adam was in a private room. I had to show my identification, even with Luke escorting me.

Finally, we reached his room and I shoved open the door to find Adam sitting on a bed, left wrist wrapped up in some thick gauze and a brace. He had a nasty looking cut on his cheek. The left side of his body was the most banged up: he wasn't wearing a shirt, which exposed his shoulder and where the scratchy blanket wasn't covering his leg, a dark purple bruise ran from the bottom of his ribs and descended to his hip. There were some pretty deep looking cuts.

"Adam!" I cried softly, going to his side.

He kissed me briefly. "Nix? What the hell are you doing here?"

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