This Burning Desire

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Four Months Into Relationship

"Are you serious, Adam?" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air, fury racing through my veins just as fast as my blood did. "It wasn't rocket science! All I asked was for you to not get high, and here you are- two AM and you can't even see straight!" My voice broke and I wheeled around, exhaling sharply through my nose.

"Nix, I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me. I-I just lost it. I wasn't thinking."

"Obviously not!" I shouted. Adam stumbled behind me, trying hard to stay upright. Halfway up the stairs, I whipped around and he almost fell.

"Adam, I wasn't asking for much. Just for you stay in your head. Everyone knows what you're like when you're high or drunk."

"So what, you don't trust me? Is that what you're saying?" He bit back.

I crossed my arms, something I did when I felt defensive or anxious. "Of course I trust you, Adam. It's what you drink or inhale or shoot up or smoke that I don't trust."

He snarled. "Really? Because something I hear you say all the time is how you wished you could have "27 year old Adam" back. You liked who I was then but not now? Is that it? That's who I was, Nix. If that's the Adam you want then here he is." He spread his arms in a sarcastic, challenging manner, a cold sneer on his pink lips. Black eyeliner was smudged around his startling, bloodshot eyes. His collar was uneven, hair tousled, one pant leg un-tucked from his combat boots, and he reeked of booze and marijuana.

"What? Surprised? Shocked? Scared maybe?"

I backed up a few more steps, suddenly wary of my boyfriend. Adam and I had gotten into fights before- both as friends and since we'd become romantically involved, but somehow, tonight, it was different. With a shudder, the words fell from my mouth.

"Did you hook up with someone?"

Adam seemed taken aback and his eyebrows furrowed. "What? No! Nix, I didn't."

I let my eyes fall on his neck, and my heart gave a lurch like missing a step going downstairs. "Yeah? 'Cause I don't remember giving you that hickey."

His hand flew up to cover the mark and a harsh sob ripped from me, giving me the incentive to turn and dart upstairs.

How could he do this?!

"Nix! Please come back!"

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, slamming my bedroom door behind me and locking it. Sweat collected on the back of my neck and I began to pace the nervous energy out. Why was this even bothering me this much?

Um, because he lied to you and possibly cheated too?

There was a rap on the door and Adam's voice met my ears yet again. "Nix, please? I'm so, so sorry. I don't know what got into me. It was crazy and loud and stressful and-"

"I don't give a damn." Came my hostile snarl. "You can do better. You are better."

He was silent and I paused my pacing, ears ringing as I tried to listen.

"You're right," he said quietly, almost sadly. "I can do better, but I don't know if I am better."

His boots clopped down the stairs, the front door opened, shut, and he was gone.

Tears touched the corners of my lips and I heaved in a huge breath. My words had stung him. He shouldn't be out by himself right now, and no matter how angry and upset at him I was I would die if something horrible happened to him.

Tommy picked up on the fourth ring. "Hey Nix, what's up?"

I spilled the story tearfully and Tommy sighed. "I know, I was there. He did light up, and when he was close to passing out some dude latched onto his neck like a fricken vampire. Adam pushed him off and passed out in the corner."

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