Only The Beginning

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I woke to a buffet of turbulence that made my stomach roll. Ugh. I dimly remembered having to walk to the plane before passing out again. I rolled over and saw Adam across from me. He was curled up in a ball, one arm under his head, hair deflated but with a curl. I smiled, watching him with still-sleepy eyes. I loved the red that was showing through. My freckled, ginger rock star.

Down a ways in a different part of the plane, I could hear the band and some of our immediate entourage talking and laughing. I unfolded myself, stiff but still grateful that the jet had the Class A full reclining seats, and stood up, looking around for my bag. It only took me a moment to find it, then I headed off to the bathroom.

It was a ridiculously large bathroom and was pretty glitzy. I wished it had a shower, but beggars can't be choosers. I washed up, combed my hair and clipped it up in a messy bun, added a little Sprite flavored lip gloss (one of Adam's favorites) and retreated down the aisle.

Terrence, Brooke, Kaitlin, Jack, and several others were seated at the small tables or in luxurious chairs. Everyone turned their heads and grinned at me.

"There she is!" Terrence said enthusiastically, handing me a bottle of water, which I accepted.

"Girl, you were slaying it last night!" He said. Everyone nodded in agreement. Even though I'd know most these people for over two years now, I blushed and looked down.

"Thanks guys. I hardly think I "slayed" but at least I didn't get booed offstage."

"Like I'd let that happen,"

I smiled when Adam's strong arms slipped around my waist and pulled me close to his body. His breath tickled my neck-mm...minty- and my heart sped up- I was sure he could feel it when he placed his lips just under my jaw, right where my pulse was. He chuckled low in his throat.

"Hey! I'm tryin' to eat here!" Joseph, the drummer, crowed, feigning a look of disgust over his Poptarts. I laughed nervously but Adam didn't let go of me.

"You all did amazing last night. One of our best shows so far I think. Don't you?"

"Yeah, 'cause you finally got to make out with your girl in front of hundreds of people. You could have cared less about us!" Kaitlin teased.

Adam shrugged, still holding me. "Well, if I have to be honest..."

We laughed and I extricated myself from his grip with some difficulty. "I'm starving," I explained at his crestfallen expression.

I found some waffles and heated them up while Adam gave me a look of "are you seriously going to eat that?" and instead opened a box of this weird European cereal he'd bought.

Health freak.

We sat down beside each other on the plush black couch and ate in silence. I listened to the others talk for a few minutes before zoning out.

"You got syrup on your cheek, babe." Adam informed me quietly. I touched my cheek and wrinkled my nose at the stickiness. I made to get up for a napkin but Adam kept me seated by snaking his arm around my stomach and pulled me back.

He took my hand, staring into my eyes intensely, then slowly licked the syrup off my finger, letting his tongue linger on my fingertip.

I'll admit, I fangirled so hard I felt I'd broken something. My breath caught and I felt the heat rise to boiling point. The corner of Adam's lips turned up but he kept himself under control just long enough to lean forward and also lick the syrup off my cheek and the corner of my mouth.

"Mm," He whispered, smiling seductively. Oh my gosh.

"Ha," I squeaked, trying to hide my flustered smile. Adam laughed and let me go so I could put my dish away. After, I got up to change and put makeup on. Adam had told me to dress up a little, so I scrounged around in one of my suitcases and found a little black dress

A few minutes later the seatbelt sign dinged and we all rushed to the front. Adam and I sat next to each other and he pulled out his phone, going to Snapchat. I groaned.

"You and Snapchat. Lord." I teased, but leaned in for the picture. Adam took two, one of us smiling like the dorks we were, and then one of him kissing my cheek. He didn't let me see the caption, so I waited about two minutes before going to check his story. I taped on the picture and read the caption.

This beautiful girl...<3

"Oh my gosh, Adam." I said in an exasperated tone. He just chuckled and leaned over to kiss me, I swatted him away with a giggle. On Instagram, the picture had a thousand hits in 4 minutes, and hundreds of comments. I only skimmed through them, not wanting to bum myself out over any negative ones.

I gripped Adam's arm tightly as the plane came to a bumpy landing, the tail end swinging around a bit.

So here we were, Las Vegas.

"Do you think we'll have much time for sight seeing?" I asked Adam as we gathered up our stuff. He looked up from his phone.

"Probably not too much, unfortunately. I'm thinking after we settle in at the hotel I'll take you to lunch and then we can go from there. I have the show tonight though...I kinda want to sleep if I can." But when he looked away, I saw a flash of amusement.

I looped my arm through his. "Yeah, I hear ya. Whatever you want to do, babe."

We would have to go into the airport itself, and I tried to swallow back the butterflies. Adam was still on his phone and we lazily made our way into the checking station.

I was hoping maybe we would go unnoticed, but of course we didn't. A hoard of Glamberts called at us and phone flashes went off like small fireworks.

Adam looked up a few times and waved, casting them all his famous smile with dazzling white teeth. I waved and smiled as well, but I knew it wouldn't look as confident as his.

Adam kept hold of my hand, slipping on his sunglasses as we walked out into the scorching Nevada heat.

"Dang," I sighed. "I forgot sunscreen."

He chuckled and pulled me close, planting a kiss on my temple. "Don't worry. I think there's some in one of my bags. We'll check at the hotel, okay?"

"I'm glad you're a redhead too. You know the struggle."

Before we got outside, Adam's phone rang and he pulled me aside, holding tight to my hand. I loved how casual he was about being close to me, while I was blushing like an idiot while the paps and fans furiously snapped our pictures. Adam noticed my blush and yanked me right up to him, holding me against his lean body. I muttered in protest but Adam continued on his phone call.

"Okay. Thank you! Bye."

"Okay, what was that?" I asked, brushing back my hair.

His eyes were sparkling and his smile was contagious. "Never you mind. Listen, I have a surprise for you. Consider it an early birthday present or a late Christmas present..."

I was intrigued. "Yeah? I'm nervous now."


Once on the curb, Adam tugged me in a different direction then I thought we were supposed to go.

"Ta da!" He said, gesturing to a black and silver car parked a few feet from the curb. I gasped- that wasn't just any car; it was a Maybach 62. The driver got out, tipped his hat and opened the door for us, smiling.

"Adam! Are you serious?!" I asked in disbelief, turning to him. He was beaming.

"Of course I am! Now get in, this is only the beginning."

I did as he said, sliding in and sitting on the pristine white leather, accented with black carpet beneath my feet.

The paps were going bonkers and I waved at them before the chauffeur shut the door. Adam went around to the other side and sat beside me.

(Hey Glamberts! I know the past couple of chapters have been short, but things are picking up and I'm trying to stretch it out while I catch up on writing the next parts :)



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