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Hey everyone! I wanted to drop a little update to let you all know that I probably won't be updating much or AT all this week, because my play opens this Friday, and my week is insane leading up to it.

I may find it in me to write a little something for my One Shots, but B.G will be on a little break this week. As I've said before, I want to give you only the best I can come up with for this story, and right now I'm running on empty both creatively, and within my own personal life. I'm tired, stressed, and struggling to get out of a funk right now. Next week, after the 27th, however, I'll be home free and hopefully back at it. Of course, this is all subject to change if I manage to come up with something :)

 Thanks for so many reads and votes! I love how many people have come to love this story.

 This being said, I'm guessing you have all heard about the shooting in Orlando :( it was a horrible, tragic thing that happened and my heart goes out to all of the victims and families of this mindless massacre. It's sad that in this world love is no longer "all we need." It hurts to admit it, but it feels like this is what things have come down to nowadays :/

 We need to have courage and faith and NEVER back down. We can get through these things <3

As always I will see you in the next chapter.

Stay strong, never be afraid, and find the glitter and light in the world.


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