Marrying You?!

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Once the day was over, we got to take the next day off and decided to make the best of it with an evening full of fun things we both liked to do.

Not one picture was taken of us that night. Musta been a record.

We left the movie theater hand in hand, Adam finishing his soda before tossing it in the trash outside the door.

"I don't want this night to end," I sighed, looking up into the sky and wishing I could see the stars.

Adam pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. "It doesn't have to, not just yet. C'mon."

I grinned like an idiot as he towed me to the car. He turned on the radio and whipped out of the parking spot. We sang along to everything that came on, and rolled down our windows. I opened the skylight as well, raising my hands.

Twenty minutes later, we were headed straight up the side of a mountain, swerving along the dangerous road. I was gripping the arm rest; Adam was a good driver, but I was terrified of L.A roads.

Finally, we reached the top and parked in a dirt lot that evidently led to a nature walk.

We got out and Adam grabbed a blanket and his small portable speaker. We said nothing and just strolled along the lit walkway, past a few bikers, couples, and joggers, but it was otherwise quiet.

We walked until reaching a grassy knoll under a large tree, and Adam spread out the blanket, plugged his phone into the speaker, and motioned for me to sit.

I curled up against him, taking the soft fabric of his shirt between my fingers. His arm was warm and protective around me, and his comforting scent washed over me, making me sleepy.

I could finally see the stars, and they took my breath away. I hadn't seen them this well since Philly, over six months ago.

Adam took a deep breath, his chest and ribs expanding and moving my hand up and down, then he spoke.



"I wanted to talk to you...about something."

"Okay. What's up?" I said, trying to come out of my stupor.

"Well, I get if it's not really something you want to talk about right now, and that's fine, but I just thought that maybe you know...we should. Discuss it."

I was a little nervous now, but hoped it didn't show. "Okay. So what is?"

Adam took another deep breath, but it held a small tremor this time.

"So, this was never really something I considered before, but now...anyway. We've been dating long now?"

"Eight and a half months," I said promptly.

"Right. And well, I don't know how long term you're wanting this to go,"

Oh God. Please don't let this be going a wrong way...

I made a small noise and he continued.

"But uh, I want you to know that I'm definitely okay with letting this be pretty long term. If you are, I mean."

I sat up and he copied me. "Ad, are you trying to talk about marriage?"

He nervously glanced up, then back at me, finding his courage. "Y-yes."

Everything around us seemed to sort of...mute, and pause, but the static in the air was tangible. He was dead nervous and I was a little shell shocked. Wait, was he asking right now?? No, Adam would do it right- tradition because he knew that's what I liked. Okay, Nix, answer him! It's not like you haven't thought about this before!

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