Anything For You

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Adam slept till one in the afternoon, but around 11 I crawled into bed next to him and he wrapped his arms around me before drifting off.

"I missed your hair...and your smell...and everything about you,"

I smiled but didn't open my eyes, sighing when his warm palm met the skin on my stomach.

"I missed everything about you, too." I murmured.

We stayed like that until Adam's stomach started to grumble and he started to stir.

"I don't wanna get up even though I'm practically starving to death."

"Poor baby." I yawned, stretching. Adam chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Why don't I go grab something for us and bring it back up?"

"I should be the one taking care of you, babe. You're exhausted and have been working hard and I've just been sitting on my butt waiting for you to get home."

Adam sat up, tossing the covers off. I shivered when the cool air hit me.

"That is not true. Besides, you can't cope with less than like, 8 hours of sleep, whereas I can. I'll be right back up, okay?"

I didn't fight him because I really WAS tired, so I mumbled an agreement, pulled the covers up to my chin and tried to fall back asleep.

Sometime later, the smell of French toast floated up the stairs to me and my mouth started watering. A minute later Adam appeared in the doorway, carrying a tray laden with food.

"Oh, gosh, Adam! You shouldn't have! I would have been fine with cereal."

He rolled his eyes. "Like that was gonna do. Here; eat up."

He grabbed a fork of syrup cover toast and held it out to me. Oh man- the two of us and maple syrup...I blushed and Adam seemed to share my thought.

I took a bite: perfect.

Adam scooted in next to me and we dug in.

I made a sound frustration when syrup dripped onto my fingers: I HATED sticky things. Before I could lick it off Adam had his hand around my wrist.

He cocked an eyebrow, his eyes mischievous. "You seemed to like it last time." He said huskily.

I swallowed as his tongue touched my finger and he slowly licked off the syrup, never looking away from me.

"I can hear your heart," Adam stated.

"I- I'm not surprised." I breathed.

In a flash Adam had put the tray on the dresser and was back in bed, on his hands and hovering above me. I smirked and placed my hands on his shoulders. Things escalated quickly when he kneed my legs apart, his mouth overtaking mine.

I tore off his shirt and tossed it on the ground, moaning as his hands massaged my hips.

Suddenly, Adam broke away, sitting back and tugging my loose shirt off, leaving me in my black tank top.

A breathy giggly escaped me when he leaned down to press his lips to my neck, nipping at my skin, making me squirm.

"Adam," I whined.

"Shh." he said, kissing my collarbone.

I left myself drift, floating somewhere near the ceiling as Adam worked his magic and the heat rushed through me.

This wasn't fair!

He could barely tear himself away long enough for me to kiss him back.

"I'm in control," he snarled, linking our hands together so that I couldn't move.

Man, did I want him.

The next day we packed up for the weekend at Adam's mom's house. It was our first major holiday as an official couple, which for some reason made me more nervous than usual.

Our social media pages were alight with holiday wishes, as well as pictures and fangirls squealing about the shows they'd seen Adam at.

As we were getting ready, Adam took out his phone and started to randomly record me.

"Hey guys! So we're just finishing up packing for our trip to my mom's place for a few days. And damn, I missed this beautiful girl so much on tour, so it's going to be awesome to spend two weeks with her."

Adam walked over to me and kissed my cheek, holding the phone out above us.

"Happy to have me home, babe?" He asked. I nodded fervently.

"Oh my god, yes. Two months is way too long to be away from you."

Adam chuckled, facing the phone at himself again. "Well, we need to get on the road so we'll post things later. Hope you all have a great weekend."

He stopped recording, did a quick play back of the video, then posted it on Facebook and Instagram.

"Alright Nix, you ready?"


We loaded our stuff into the BMW (it had more space,) and were soon on the road for the four hour drive to Leila's.

"I can't wait to meet Neil's fiancé," I said, sipping on my Dr. Pepper slushy.

"Yeah, she's pretty cool. He's been dating her off and on since high school. They're totally in love though. It's about time they seal the deal."

"Elise and Neil seal the deal!" I said, chuckling.

"They should use that."

"Copyright!" I teased.

We talked and listened to music for a while before Adam flicked it off, his face growing serious.

Uh oh.

"So Nix, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay," I shifted in my seat.

He took a deep breath. "I think you should call your parents."

My mouth parted into an O.


"No, I really think you should. You have no idea, maybe they've changed a little."

"Adam, they hate you!"

He scoffed. "Thousands of people hate me, it's nothing new. But I think it's important to have at least some contact with them and have them in your life. You don't have to start big, just give them a call and wish them Happy Thanksgiving. Please?"

I couldn't believe Adam was asking me to reach out to the people who had had no bones in telling me that they hated him.

This man must really care about me.

I fiddled with my braid and finally nodded in agreement. "Okay, for you. I'd do anything for you."

He reached over and took my hand in his much larger one. "Babe, do it for you. It will be tough and awkward at first but it will get better. If I could get through my parents divorce then you can do this."

"Yeah, but your parents didn't hate you."

"And neither do yours," Adam stated firmly. I opened my mouth, couldn't find the words, so shut my mouth again.

"Alright. I'll call them when we reach your Mom's place. Deal?"


(Heyo readers! Here's a new chapter- finally! I've had some intense writer's block lately- luckily this was pre-written, but the next chapter wasn't :/

Chapter 90!! :O Whoa!!  Sadly, this draws us ever closer to the finale...

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  As always I will see you in the next chapter!


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