*Just a Random Note..*

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Hey guys. Sorry this isn't an update- that will come later today (it's currently 1:50am here right now) but I wanted to say a few things.
Recently, I had to cut someone extremely close to me from my life. I don't like the way I did it; but slowly phasing him from my life, but I felt it would cause us both to least ammount of pain. I haven't been feeling very creative because of this and very down, which I hope doesn't reflect in my writing. I want it to be happy.

Something I learned from this experience is that you need to do what is best for you when you find yourself comprising where you shouldn't for your partner. And while relationships are built on respect and the ability to compromise; never sacrifice your entire being to someone. It's okay to take time for yourself. You're not being selfish.
I knew him for 3 years and we had a roller coaster of a "relationship", where I kept waiting around for him to get his act together. He never did.
He lead me on and went out of his way to make me jealous, which made me angry, which always lead to things spiraling out of control. He always tried to make up for it by buying me things or being pitiful and wanting me back.
And I discovered that two broken people can't always fix each other. And it's OK to say "it's not me, it's YOU."
My best friend broke my heart when he stepped out of line one too many times, and I decided that it was time to end things. We haven't gone this long without talking to each other since we met. It's killing me. I've never felt so alone. I always went to him for my problems and he was always there, until he lost interest and said some very hurtful things that I still haven't recovered from.
That's one of the reasons I adopted Remmi (yes, I decided to change the spelling of his name ;) )
I know this is a dumb "dear diary" rant, but I love and appreciate you all and you seem very encouraging and supportive. I am so grateful for it!

I also apologise for the sporadic updates...as I've said before. Some days are harder than others when I miss him very much, and it makes it difficult to write something cheerful.

Anyway, enough of my exhaustion fueled sob story.
Just please know that it really IS okay to step back from something Or someone who is hurting you. love yourself, and everything else will fall into place :)

And as always I will see you in the next chapter!

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