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When I first met Sauli, Adam was just beginning to work on Trespassing, and I'd noticed how much more inspired he'd been becoming lately, and when I brought this up, he finally told me of the guy he'd met in Helsinki at a bar. He raved about his blond hair, stunning blue eyes, and crazy thick accent. Adam hadn't even been able to understand a word the Finnish boy was saying, but it didn't matter- popping a lollipop into his mouth was enough to get the message across.

"His name is Sauli. Sauli Koskinen. I guess he's kinda a big deal in Finland or something...he's a really good ice skater and he won the Big Brother competition, and does a bunch of radio and TV hosting stuff. And damn, Nix, his voice!"

I smiled, swirling my straw around my soda and staring down into the bubbles. Be happy for him, Nix! He's moving on and he's over the moon! That's the least he deserves. Besides; it'll help him with the new album.

Sauli finally flew to L.A two months after he and Adam met, and Adam insisted that I come to meet him.

It was hard to swallow back my increasingly growing feelings for Adam, but I did manage to push everything aside and work myself up to become genuinely excited.

I was chilling on the couch in Adam's living room, flipping through social media, waiting for him to return from the airport. And I only had a few minutes before the front door and Adam towed Sauli over the threshold. I jumped up and smiled kindly, a little taken aback by his appearance; Adam was right, Sauli was drop-dead gorgeous. Not very tall, but slender, blond curly hair swept back in a severe undercut, with the bluest eyes I'd ever seen in my life, rivaling even Adam's. When he smiled, he flashed inhumanly sharp canine teeth, offsetting his babyish, innocent look by adding a shocking flair of sexy wolfishness.

"Moi, mina olen Sauli," He said, holding out his hand. I glanced at Adam, hoping he would be translating for him at all. I figured he'd just said his name, so I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Sauli. I'm Phoenix, but you can call me Nix."

Sauli inclined his head, and I prayed that he'd understood enough of that. How was Adam going to be in a relationship if they couldn't even communicate with each other?

Meanwhile, Adam had whipped out his phone and gone to a translate app, typed something in, and handed it to Sauli. Sauli read it quickly, then nodded adamantly.

"Kyllä, Haluaisin!" (yes, I would like to.)

I kept what was probably a pretty stupid smile on my face while they discussed something.

"Okay, Nix, why don't we go get some food once Sauli gets his things set up?"

I nodded, and Adam went to get Sauli's bags from the car, leaving me with him. Sauli had that adorable, slightly shell-shocked expression of someone who couldn't believe they were where they were.

"So..." I started. "How's Finland?"

Sauli cocked his head, eyebrows furrowed. I went to Google and typed in my question, then attempted to pronounce it.

"Miten Suomessa?"

His eyes lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. I quickly flipped on the microphone on my phone when Sauli began to speak rapidly.

"Se on hyvää! Erittäin kylmä siellä juuri nyt, joten se on hyvin outoa olla täällä Kaliforniassa."

(It is good! Very cold there right now, so it is very strange to be here in California.)

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