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I'm in town.

I grit my jaw. A tempting offer, and one I wanted to to currently take up, but it was wrong. This whole damn thing was wrong, yet I was still looking for a way for myself to get the most gain out of this.

Stay here, mad, lonely, waiting for Nix. Or go out, get over it and have some fun?

I bit my lip. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after.


Same place...u coming?


Keys in hand, I carefully made my way to garage, only to see that the Benz was gone. Honestly though, what was I expecting?

The Mustang would do.

I refused myself any thought on the drive, knowing it could make me sick if I let the guilt and shame get to me.

Twenty minutes later and finally at my destination, I parked on the curb and put my dark sunglasses on, cast a quick glance around, then entered the building.

Room 8. Down the hall and on the left. Just like before.

However this time, when I opened the door, it wasn't just the blue eyes I saw, but light brown ones standing just behind. My jaw dropped.

"Wh-what are you doing here? I thought-"

"Thought you left me behind in London? Ha! Come on, Adam. We both know that this wasn't something you wanted to give up anytime soon."

I connected with the fair blue eyes again. "You never said someone was here,"

"I never said we were alone, either. She left you this morning, didn't she? Again."

I bit my lip and stomped into the apartment, blood pressure rising.

"Yes. I thought I could make her stay, but we had a fight..."

"Over the same damn thing? Wow."

"Yes, over the same damn thing! But it isn't her fault. She's scared and nervous."

"It sounds like you're dating a kid too afraid to have "the talk." "

I scowled at the immature and harsh laughter that filled the room. "Shut up. I love her."

"And you are. Completely aware of what is about to happen and not leaving. Not even thinking about her. She must not be very good."

My shirt was yanked off my body the next second, greedy hands all over my skin and warm, seducing breath on my neck.

"Don't worry, Adam. We can show you how the real kids do it. Seems you may have forgotten."

My jeans were tugged away and another set of hands introduced themselves from behind. I shivered and couldn't conceal my moan when my head was pulled back by my hair.

"She can't make you scream, can she? Only I can do that."

"N-no-I-" Lips were hard on mine. Anything but passionate. We were all here for the same purpose.

Because I was an addict. Addicted to self-destructive things, and my seller just invited me over and gave me free reign.

They were all mine. They thought they had control over me because I was hooked, but if I lost interest, they were screwed.

Black Glitter *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now