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"Adam! Over here!"

"NIX, ADAM! How was your trip?!"


I gaped at that question and threw the reporter a dirty "wtf" look and held onto Adam's hand tighter. The Ellen Show began in two hours and it took 45 minutes to get there, so I was trying to keep my cool for as long as possible.

Adam smiled graciously and went up to a few fans to sign their things, but studiously avoided the press.

I clung onto him like a puppy, immediately feeling lost the second I had to let go so he could grab a pen.

After baggage claim and security, we hopped into our ride with a final wave to the fans. I rested my head against the seat and looked out the window at the familiar city-scape of Los Angeles.

"OK, so exactly are the questions she'll ask us?"

Adam looked up from his phone. "Well, she'll probably ask about the tour and the album for a few minutes, then ask me some segway question about you and then you'll come out. Ask how we met, when we felt that we were in love, made it official, and of course ask us how we feel about each other."

"Wait, what? What do you mean?" I said.

Adam shrugged. "Like, who's the better driver, the better cook...who takes longer to get ready. Stuff like that."

I snorted. "Sounds like fuel for a fight."

Adam chuckled. "Maybe, but don't over-think anything. We're just there to smile, and act like the perfect couple we basically are."

I learned over to kiss his cheek with a smile on my lips: no denying that!

Adam's long, confident stride carried him across the stage, his perfectly fitted suit hugged his tall body and I couldn't hide my grin from backstage.

The cheers were deafening and Adam's winning smile made everything that much better. That adorable, eye crinkling, open mouthed beam that brought people to their knees.

Ellen got to her feet to welcome him with a hug that required her to stand on her toes.

"Well, hello Adam!" She chirped after they'd taken their seats.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked, still smiling.

"Good, good. First of all, welcome home and welcome back! It's been an age."

Adam nodded and a few people whistled.

"If you didn't know, Adam was taking a brief break in Las Vegas from his insane touring schedule for his new album The Original High,"

The CD cover filled the large screen behind them.

"-Which has been making the charts all across the world. Congratulations, Adam."

I clapped along with everybody, swelling with pride for my boyfriend.

"So, Adam, how was touring? What was it like being back on the road promoting your own songs? Because the last time you were on a tour and performing was with Queen last year, wasn't it?"

Adam nodded, all serious. "Yeah, it was. It's been so exciting! I forgot just how much of a thrill touring is. It's a bit nerve-wracking though, because there's always that fear that people won't like the new material, y'know? When you're with a really well known, well respected band that's gathered a huge following then you have that sort of fall back that tickets will be sold. Although being the frontman is stressful every time I get onstage with the guys because I know I will never be able to get anywhere near filling Freddy's shoes, but the last thing I would ever want to do is see Queen fall flat. There are plenty of people who don't like me singing for them, and I totally get that, I respect that. But for me, it's an incredible opportunity that most don't get."

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