New Addition

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"Nix, wake up. Nix? Hey, it's Christmas, babe!"

I opened my eyes to see Adam leaning over me, his face glowing with excitement.

"What time is it?" I grumbled.

"9. I let you sleep as long as I could but now you have to get up."

With a stretch and a yawn, I sat up to head to the bathroom and comb out the rats nest that was my hair. I saw Adam in the mirror behind me, bouncing.

"Alright, alright, calm down, I'm coming." I chuckled. As soon as I was done,Adam took me by the arm and dragged me downstairs.

"Close your eyes," He directed.

"Um, there's still like ten steps to go."

"Then count them. Just keep your eyes shut."

"I'm putting my life in your hands."

He carefully led me down each step, and the closer we got to the living-room the more I heard a strange sound; a rustling, a soft yipping, and scratching.

"Adam, what is that?" I asked, chest fluttering.

"Just wait like five more steps." I heard the beep of his phone signaling a photo or recording. "Okaaayy annndd- open!"

I opened my eyes and gasped; there, lying on it's back on a fuzzy blanket and draped with sheer red ribbon and chewing on it's paws, was a tiny little Dalmatian puppy with piercing blue eyes.

"Oh. My. God. Adam. You didn't. Oh my God!"

I threw my arms around Adam and he picked me up off the ground. "Go see him!" He urged.

I dropped to the ground and carefully picked up the tiny animal, feeling it's ultra soft fur and little heartbeat. The puppy licked my nose and I noticed that the puppy's own black nose was shaded like a heart where the black and pink met.

"He's so cute! What! I seriously cannot believe this." I squealed. The puppy, feeding off my excitement, jumped up at me to lick my face and I fell on my back, letting him crawl all over me.

"I'm glad you like him," Adam said, sounding relieved. He sat down beside me and the puppy tottered over to him, ears perked up.

"Adam, you are amazing. This is the best present I've ever gotten."

He grinned. "It isn't your last present. But look over there, looks like Sandy Claws left Spot here some toys."

"We're not calling him Spot, just so we're clear," I stated. "If I got a Dalmatian I always wanted to call him-" I grabbed the stocking to see it full of toys, treats, and a bright red collar with a tag that read; "Pongo. You remembered!"

"Hopefully he's a Pongo. I spent some time with him before choosing him and he seemed like a Pongo."

I clicked my tongue, hands shaking, and held out the collar for Pongo to sniff. He wagged his tail and the effort took his whole body.

I slipped the collar on him and tapped my nail against the name tag. "Well, Pongo Lambert, welcome to the family!"

Adam laughed. "Pongo Lambert sounds like a drink. Or a Latino movie star."

"You think in weird ways," I snorted. Pongo jumped back into my lap and began to chew on one of the toys from the stocking.

Adam leaned over and kissed my forehead, watching us with a loving smile on his face. "You're so adorable," He murmured. "The way your face lights up like a little kid's. But hey, the surprises don't end here."

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