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The next morning I woke to find myself still nestled in Adam's arms. It was only 7, and Adam was fast asleep. I, however, felt like a kid on Christmas morning, the only day when waking up early was fun.

And I had one heck of a present waiting for me two hours away.

But moving wasn't an option currently, however. Adam's arms felt too good, his chest, hard and soft at the same time, his fresh and musky scent engulfing me in pleasant waves.

Oh my God. I was actually lying here, in bed, with Adam Lambert. I was in England as his girlfriend, going to look at the house he'd bought me.

It was surreal, as if we hadn't been friends for three years and just skipped right to the dating part. I suddenly felt hot and almost...awkward.

I'd slept with him! This guy I'd first seen on a TV screen, and then in my favorite cafe. He had made eye contact with me at a concert, and here we were.

The thought struck me out of the blue; had Adam remembered me at all when we officially met the first time? He'd seen me twice already, and while I'd changed quite a bit in that time, it wasn't like I was a totally different person. I'm sure he would have forgotten me in that time, though. From that first concert to the time in the cafe had been almost a year in of itself. At the fashion show, he had just finished the Glam Nation tour two months previous. What a whirlwind to say the least.

My brain managed to let me drift off after a while, and I slept until ten, when Adam's warm lips on the back of my neck made me stir.

"You always going to wake me up like this?" I murmured, not opening my eyes.

"Mm, probably." He breathed, his teeth meeting my skin. His left arm was draped over me, palm against my stomach.

"Well, if you do we'll never get anything done."

"I can't believe you think it's a bad thing." Adam teased, pulling my body to his. "Oho, apparently you don't; your heart is beating like a drum...such a turn on,"

I giggled when Adam moved his mouth to my ear.

"Babe! C'mon, I wanna go see the house! We can do this later. Maybe. If you're good."

He groaned but rolled away from me so I could get up.


"Is this it?" I asked, practically bouncing in my seat.

Adam checked the directions on his phone. "Yep! Just around this corner..."

  But he parked the car just around the turn and turned off the engine.  

We were in Robin Hood's Bay.  Five miles south of Whitby and 15 miles north of on the coast of  Scarborough, England, know as a fishing town, it was still a beautiful, small town.

"What are you doing?"

He gave a sly grin. "I want it to be a surprise. Close your eyes,"

I huffed but did as he said, listening to him come around to open the door for me. We entwined our fingers together and he lead me slowly around the slightly curving path. The wind was brisk but the sun was out, and my hair stuck to my glossed lips. Adam reached up to brush the stray locks away with a chuckle, his hand still tight in mine.

"Almost there..." he trilled.

"This is driving me crazy, Adam!" I whined, though my face was numb from smiling as well as the wind.

The smell of honeysuckle and cold stone met my nose and I inhaled deeply. A gate swung. I tripped a little with the transition of sidewalk to packed earth, to flat stone; the smell grew stronger.

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