When We First Met

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It was surreal to say the least. Like, I was actually friends with Adam Lambert. In one night, just from us both being bored to death, we were friends. Just like that, as easy as making any other kind of friend.

After we said goodnight and Adam had paid for a cab to take me home like the perfect gentleman he was, I figured it had all been a dream. I'd dozed off during the fashion show after having seen him a few rows away and slipped into another one of my fantasies about him.

But no.

The next morning, my head aching from exhaustion and excitement from the previous night, I woke to find my phone consistently vibrating and lighting up.

"Ughhh what?" I groaned to myself and checked the screen, squinting through my blurry eyes at the caller ID.

Adam Lambert.

Wow. I hadn't drank last night, had I? I snorted at myself and wondered who on earth I could have entered into my phone under his name.

A: Hey, Phoenix! This is Adam. :) I hope you got home safe?

I sat bolt upright and rubbed my eyes. No. Freaking. Way. It had actually happened?!

I took a few deep breaths before thinking of a reply. Now was definitely not the time to make a stupid remark and embarrassing myself for time and all eternity.

N: Hey, Adam! I did, thank you. And thank you again for getting a cab for me-you didn't have to! It was great getting to talk with you, I had a great time :)

I hit send, then regretted all the exclamation points. I'm such an idiot. Good going, Nix.

Flopping back into my rather flat hotel pillows, I covered my face and cursed myself for totally having messed up the text I spent ten minutes planning. Literally useless.

But then my phone buzzed again.

Dare I check it?

Heart racing harder than ever before in my life, I slowly checked the message.

A:No problem :P I had an awesome time getting to know you as well :) Maybe we can do it again sometime? I mean, if you didn't get sick of me already xP

Ohhh myyy gosshh. This was actually happening!! I felt like a giddy schoolgirl talking with the most popular guy at school. Alright, chill, Nix. It's not as if he's asking you on a date- he's gay!

OK, play it cool.

I hurriedly typed out a reply.

N: Haha, not sick of you yet, nope! I would love to hang out again!

Oh my God Phoenix, chill with the exclamation marks!

I bit my lip waiting for the message to light up my screen at any second, my hands shook.

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