Birthday Surprises

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When I woke up, it was like my mind took .01 seconds to catch up and remind me of what today was: my 26th birthday.

I rolled over and let my eyes fall onto the picture collage on my bedside table. A picture of Adam in a black suit with the sun setting behind him that I'd taken just before he left for a TV appearance. Me, Adam, and Tommy at a party.

Another was of Adam and I taken just a few weeks ago, laying on the beach, Adam holding the camera above us.

I smiled at the memory of the half empty beach in the early morning, a slight chill rolling off of the waves, the musky but clean, refreshing scent of the man next to me...

Then that's when the bouquet of flowers hit the morning light. I sat up with a little gasp and picked them up.

"Oh my gosh, Adam." I whispered, sniffing the flowers; beautiful.

Throwing off the covers, standing and stretching, I walked to my bathroom, where a strange sight greeted me.

On my mirror, written in red, were the words "It's your birthday!" in Adam's script. There was a heart and a smiley face under it. I grinned and shook my head.

When I arrived downstairs, flowers in hand to find a vase, I was shocked yet again by the unexpected.

Black and Tiffany blue- my two favorite color schemes- were everywhere, balloons, streamers, and bouquets of flowers littered the walls and tables.

I covered my mouth as I made my way down the stairs. The smell of pancakes was in the air and I rounded the corner to see Adam adding a large helping of hot pancakes onto a plate.

"Adam!" I crowed, making him jump a little. "How on earth did you manage all of this?"

He flashed those white teeth. "Happy birthday! And you're a heavy sleeper and I've got people who work fast. When they're not inhaling all of the helium." he added with a touch of disdain. I didn't need to ask who it was.

He came around the island to pick me up in a tight hug, then kissed me on the cheek.

"I made chocolate pancakes with whipped cream."

"Mm, my favorite!"

He found a white vase and we put my tulips in it. I totally geeked out on the inside.

We sat at the dining-room table and dug into the delicious breakfast, silently chewing while I marveled at the decor.

"Nervous about tonight?" Adam asked, shaking the whipped cream can and adding some more onto his pancakes.

"Yeah, a bit. But I'm excited for the after party."

He grinned, leaning on his elbow. "You should be. The surprises don't end there!"

I cocked a brow. "Is that so? And I'm guessing there's no point in trying to get you to spill any details?"

He shook his head, slowing pulling the fork out of his mouth in a seductive way, winking.

I giggled and ducked my head.

"Well as soon as we're done, how about heading into town? There are a few people who want to meet up with you."

"Uh oh."

He waved me down. "Chill. It's your b-day, I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't wanna."

"Surree." I teased.

Half an hour later, sunglasses on and looking fierce, we stepped out from the Mustang and Adam took my hand, head held high and a little smile on his lips.

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