Are You...

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That night, Adam and I managed to put on happy faces for everyone; though it seemed like most of them just wanted to talk to Adam, or talk to me ABOUT Adam. I could tell who treated Adam like he was simply a normal person, one of their relatives' boyfriend. Others knew very much who he was and were just barely in control of not practically jumping him to get a chance to be close to him. Adam handled all of this of course like the pro he was, smiled politely, answered questions best he could, and casually deterred any of my family who were getting 'fan-girlish.'

Since our small snitch from earlier, I didn't feel the need to swoop in and save him, despite the 'help me' looks he continually cast me. I only smirked and shrugged, earning me narrowed eyes.

Soon, the kids started getting antsy and whiny from exhaustion so most decided to ship back to their hotels or homes, since most of my family lived around the vicinity.

That meant we were left with my immediate family. Awkwardness ensued.

My brother and sister tried their hardest to keep conversation going in positive directions; avoiding politics and the weather, the world wide news in general.  All my parents' favorite topics.

Until my dad, without even a good seg-way, completely flipped the conversation in a 180 to talk about Queen. How had I forgotten that Queen was one of his favorite bands!

I shifted uneasily in my seat and shot Adam a pointed look.

"So, Adam, I hear you're the front man for Queen nowadays."

Adam nodded and sipped his beer. "Yes, sir. I have been for a few years now. Wow, I can't believe how time flies." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

"I remember going to a few of their concerts in my time...what a show, let me tell you. Freddie was a hell of a singer, not to mention a showman."

"I agree."

"A little...flamboyant though, if you ask me." Mom sniffed. I tried not to roll my eyes. Adam inhaled deeply beside me and I knew shit was about to get real.

"I think it lent to the appeal. He was a trail-blazer, much like Bowie. They were rebels of their time, hitting the scene like no one else had since the Beatles and Elvis, and not just fashion wise. Their music was gracing elements of life and death, sexuality, the meaning of love. Things people thought of as taboo."

I beamed up at Adam, as did Hunter, Kassi, and Kailea. Mark sided more with my parents, but said nothing. Adam's chin was high and he held his ground 150%.

"I agree, Adam," My sister piped up, giving him a nod.

"Y'know, secretly, I always wanted that flaming orange Ziggy hair, but I think Bowie was really the only person who could pull it off like that."

My mother's head whipped around to face him as if he had admitted to murder as casually as ever.

Kassi grinned. "Oh my god, me too."

"And the lightening bolt," Kailea said. "I've tried to do that so many times but it always comes out a mess."

Mark's face now matched my mother's.

"My friend Tommy could probably help you out there." Adam said. "He's a master at makeup."

"Yeah, he really is." I added.

We moved on to some of Freddie's and Bowie's most memorable moments and I knew my siblings were not only actually interested in how much Adam knew, but eager to keep the conversation at least half of us enjoyed and could agree on.

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