Master Of Both

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"Whoa whoa whoa; they're saying you HAVE to come out about what happened between you and Sauli? That's none of their business!"

I had my feet propped up on a lounge chair beside the pool, sunglasses on, Arnold Palmer in hand.

Adam sighed, and I could hear the sound of a car door shutting, loud voices, and music.

"Yeah. I suppose there's no real harm in telling the truth, but that will never be enough for them for long. What do you think I should? do"

"Well, like you said. Honesty is the best policy. Might as well, I guess."

He heaved another heavy sigh. "Yeah, you're right. Okay, I'll say something on Twitter before my flight leaves. I'll be home by tonight."

"Can't wait to see you. By the way, there's some mail for you. Which I did not open, of course."

Adam chuckled. "I trust ya. Alright babe, I'll text you when I land."

"Are you sure I can't come pick you up?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink, grimacing at the bitterness. Perfect.

"I want you too, but I might not be able to control myself when I see you, and if there are paps there then our cover is blown."

I grinned, my cheeks flooding with heat that had nothing to do with the sun. "If you insist. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. See you tonight."

We hung up and I crossed my arms behind my head, shutting my eyes. I love you. Never before had such simple words meant so much to me, and I never got sick of hearing them.

It was so easy to say them to people we saw every day: our parents for example. I love you- you said before you went to sleep, when you got done on the phone, when you left for school or work or just leaving to hang out with friends.

It was habit; automatic, not meaningless, but cold. Though sometimes I guess that it's something that didn't always need to be said with burning emotion every single time, but whenever Adam said struck me right in my heart.

He didn't have to love me, there was no obligation, no reason. And even though I never talked to my parents and the rift between us was great, I still loved them and they still loved me. It was something unbreakable because we were bound; a contract, if you will. Blood binds. Over hundreds of miles, months of silence and cool tones I still loved them.

But Adam didn't have to. Yet he did. I was nothing special; not rich, not influential, no stunning talents or good looks. Just me. A geek, a foodie, a hopeless romantic, a rebel, a broken and sometimes bitter woman whose future at times seemed bleak. He didn't see me as a charity case. He chose to keep our friendship going after our first meeting and we had stayed friends the entire time.

It was mind blowing even now that I was here, living in his house, getting to see him before I went to bed and seeing him when I woke up. Nothing was for certain, and while we both had our bad days and days where the lust was almost overpowering, I knew that I wanted Adam forever. When I woke up in the morning, I wanted it to be his face I saw right next to me, rather then out in the kitchen or living-room.

But if Adam wasn't ready then there was next to nothing I could do about it except wait.

Everything he was willing to sacrifice and lose for me was staggering and I rarely felt as though I deserved it.

The front door burst open and I sat up quickly with a gasp, the TV remote clattering to the floor.


I put a hand over my heart, hearing the blood thunder in my ears. "God, Adam! You almost gave me a heart attack."

He dropped everything in his arms and raced over to me before I could even stand up.

"I missed you so, so much." He whispered into my hair, holding me tight.

I inhaled his dark, musky/minty scent and hugged him back. "Mmm...I missed you too. How was your flight?"

"Long," he groaned, kicking off his boots and pulling me into his lap.

My heart picked up the pace, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Y-yeah...I bet."

Our mouths met and I sank into the kiss with a moan, enjoying the taste of him like it was the first time.

His fingers skated across my back and kept a hand at my waist, pressing me against him.

"I love you," He breathed, dancing his tongue along my bottom lip slowly. Goosebumps rocketed across my spine

"I love you too."

He kissed me fiercely. Tangling his hands in my hair and rolling his hips to mine.

"A-Adam," I stammered, gripping his shoulders and gazing into his bright blue eyes, watching as they swirled like storm waves in an ocean.

"It's alright baby. I'm in control," He said, jaw clenched.

"Are you?"

"Yes. Now shh."

I yelped when he sprawled me down on the couch, leaning into the back rest so that the foot rest popped out, giving us more space.

I drifted away as he planted hot kisses all over my neck and collarbone, trailing his cold fingers across my stomach, finding his own pleasure in just the simple act of making me happy.

And hot.

If he was in control like he said he was, then I was more than up for going to the very edge of giving in, even if it tortured me. After all, take the pain, take the pleasure, I'm the master of both.

(Wassup Glamberts? Sorry for another short chapter- just trying to get my imagination going again. More coming soon (hopefully!)

 Thank you for reading!

As always, I will see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye!


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