Not Ever.

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*Nix's POV*

Fifteen minutes later, I was still sitting on the couch, staring at the floor, mind blank despite all the questions I had.

Some of which I refused to acknowledge.

My phone ringing pulled me from my stupor. I groaned, hoping it wasn't Adam. It was my best friend, Paris. She was on vacation in Vancouver.

I pressed the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Oh my God, Nix!" Paris crowed. "You will NEVER believe this!"

"What?" I asked, leaning back. She sounded ecstatic, and it was obviously something amazing because she'd been limiting her calls due to long distance fees. I wasn't about to dump my problems on her.

"Nix, I met him. HIM."

I didn't have to ask who "he" was: Andy Sixx, the lead singer for the band, Black Veil Brides. Paris was obsessed.

My jaw dropped. "No. Freaking. Way. Are you serious?!"



Paris launched into her 45 minute story that ended with Andy asking for her number. He'd been on a break from touring, hitting the slopes around where Paris was staying.

"Wow. And you managed to behave yourself? I'm impressed." I teased.

Paris mock-sighed dramatically. "It was hard but yes; I controlled myself. Nobody said I have to next time though!"

We laughed, but I found mine hollow and tense. Paris, who knew me like the back of her hand (second only to Adam), stopped, and concern laced her tone.

"Is something wrong?"

I didn't say anything for a moment. I really didn't want to quash her whole dream -coming -true thing.  "No, everything's fine."

"You're lying. Tell me what happened."

I groaned and slumped to the side. "It's...Adam."

"Uh oh, what happened? Is he okay? Just being a boy, again?"

"Yeah you could say that..." I trailed off. After more urging from Paris, I finally spilled the whole story, choking up near the end.

"So...what do I do?"

She was quiet for a moment before exhaling slowly. "Honestly Nix? I don't know. I mean, this is kinda what you've wanted for years, isn't it? What's changed your mind suddenly?"

"I don't know! Well, for one thing, Adam is dating Sauli- they're living together for heaven sakes! I feel like he's cheating on Sauli, and he doesn't deserve that."

"You can have feelings for more than one person," Paris pointed out. "I know Adam loves Sauli- he worships him. But maybe he's started seeing you in a different way."

"Maybe I feel this way because I never, EVER thought it would happen. It was practically a fan girl crush! I knew I could never have Adam, but Paris...losing him as a friend is worse than any of this. Heck, losing Sauli or Tommy as a friend would be just as devastating! I don't want him to break Sauli's heart just because of me..."

"But don't you want Adam to be happy?"

"Of course. and he's happy with Sauli, and he knows it."

Paris was quiet before speaking again, gently. "Yes, but maybe he'd be even happier with YOU, and he's just now realizing it."

I didn't say anything for a moment, taking it all in. Tears suddenly pricked my eyes and I swallowed hard, looking down. "I just don't know what to do..."

"Well I think for starters you need a break from everything. As soon as I get home, we're driving up to Glasswood and sleeping in the truck. Sound good? Just like old times."

A smile broke through my despair. "That does sound good, Paris. Maybe you're right, maybe that's what I need."

"Two more days StarChild and I'll be home. Think you can wait till then?"

I chuckled. "I can probably hold out. Just hurry!"

"I will! Don't worry. Now, go get yourself some Starbucks, curl up with a good movie, and relax."

I sighed again, but tried to push everything from my mind." Okay. It'll probably be my last movie night in my apartment anyway."

"Dude, why didn't you just ask if you could stay with me? Like college, remember?"

I laughed. "Um, you mean when I went to school full time and you stayed in your room on Tumblr all day, coming up with ways to abduct Andy?"

"Well in my defense, I got the boy. And legally too, I might add."

We giggled, said our goodbyes, and hung up.

Paris was my best girlfriend for so many reasons. One unique factor of that being that we didn't even call or text much. We just picked up where we left off and our bond only grew stronger.

And she was right, of course. She wasn't always, but this time she really was.

So, I hauled my butt out off the couch and into some jeans and a V neck, grabbed my keys, and left for downtown. 

I fell asleep on the couch watching The Blindside on FX. I woke around 3am to an eerily silent apartment. It echoed due to the lack of anything on the walls anymore, and the silence made my ears ring. I pulled my throw blanket over me; I didn't feel like going into my totally barren room.

It took mere moments before my sleepy calmness was shattered with anxiety as my brain so kindly reminded me of my situation with Adam. The fluttery, cold grip of panic built in my chest and I sucked in a breath.

I wasn't going to lose him- not as a friend. Not ever. I would make sure of it. 

(Shout out to my best friend, whose nickname is Paris, and is totally obsessed with Black Veil Brides! I basically know nothing about them aside from what she has told me, so I won't go in to a ton of detail on that front. And yes, she nicked me StarChild, who of course Adam played on Glee (which I don't watch, but I watched that episode-duh!)

P.S: Did anyone catch Adam's David Bowie tribute at the Grammy's (pre-party or something?) He was looking SO HOT I couldn't handle it! So handsome! And I agree with the girl in the video: "what a hottie!" I was so pissed he didn't even get a nomination!! What the heck world?! Anyway- vote and comment and let me know what you're looking for in the story!)

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