Love and Hate

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Adam slammed me against the wall by my shoulders. His eyes were narrow in fury and malcontent, his jaw was set.

"How. Dare. You." He snarled. He was way too close to my face- I could see every line etched into his skin that had been carved by this unquenchable anger.

"Adam, please- don't do this." I pled, unable to move.

"How could you do this to me?! You just ruined EVERYTHING! Everything I've been working towards in my life and in one minute, you managed to bring all of it crashing down around me! God! I knew you were going to be my downfall!" He hurled the words at me like a spitting cobra and I recoiled. This felt so have a man I loved so much show this much power and hatred in his body.

"I didn't mean to! I had no idea-"

Adam suddenly slammed me against the wall harshly, yelling.

"SHUT UP!! I don't want to hear it. I don't want anything to do with you ever again, do you understand that? I have nothing left. Twenty years of my life working to get where I am and you just screwed it up in one kick."

Tears streamed down my face. "Adam, please I'll do anything!"

Adam turned away from me and gripped his hair. "No. It's too late. No matter what, nothing will be able to repair what you've done. Nothing. All the times you kicked me out of the house? Well now it's your turn, and you won't be coming back. Go sleep with Tommy if it makes you feel better."

I gaped. "Tommy? Wh- are you serious?! Adam, no way!"

He threw his hands in the air. "I DON'T CARE! Get out!!"

But I couldn't move, I was held in my spot by lead boots, gravity working against me.

I looked into Adam's eyes, desperate to find a scrap of love and forgiveness there. But there was nothing.

His disheveled silver hair was standing on end like he'd been electrocuted.

I saw him. Him, with red brown hair, starting to grow a beard and dressed in white jeans.

Him, black hair, a leather spiked jacket and pants and round sunglasses belting out Queen.

Silver hair again, heavy on the beautiful eyeliner, eyebrows dark. High collared jackets and laced up combat boots- not a hair out of place.

Black hair once more, decked out in black and yellow, a careless, excited grin on his pink lips.

Glitter everywhere: in his blue tinged Mohawk, on his eyebrows, cheeks, neck, mouth. Sweat dripping from his shining skin as he gyrated against his mike stand, throwing his head back.

Suddenly baby faced. Emo hair falling in front of dark lined eyes. Dark wash jeans, brown leather jacket and tons of necklaces.

Up on the American Idol stage, showing the world what he could do, those moments where at any time he could have his dreams destroyed.

To fearlessly go out there and give them a show.

But then all of that was gone, and this madman was all I saw, his teeth bared in insane rage.

"I. Hate. You."

"No! Adam- PLEASE!"

I cried out in pain as he threw me to the ground with enough force to hurt me.

Adam turned away and stormed to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle from the top shelf, ripped it open, took a few long gulps, then chucked it at me.

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