Third Wheel

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Paris was practically bouncing up and down as she introduced Andy, her eyes glued to his every movement.

"Nice to meet you, Andy," I said kindly, shaking his hand. He was tall, and he'd shaved his hair since the last picture I'd seen of him. He was attractive, just not my type.

Adam had been gone for three days so far, and I was totally bored and lonely so I'd decided to go visit my best friend. We had lunch planned, hit a new amusement park, and then maybe a movie; it was exactly what I needed to help distract myself from thinking about Adam.

The day passed with me basically wandering along behind the happy couple, playing the third wheel like I so often was. We all went on a few rides, stuffed ourselves with cotton candy, and watched Andy scale a rock wall and win a present-a giant stuffed walrus- for Paris.

Around four, when I was out of ideas and kind of stopped caring, my phone buzzed, showing a text from Adam.

Hey babe. How are you? Just finished a show.

I hurriedly replied, pausing beside the Farris wheel.

N: Hey :) I miss you so much...@ Six Flags w/ Andy & Paris. Super bored now :/ How did the show go?

A: I'm sorry :( I miss you too. Only a few more days and I'll be home. The show was crazy cool. My Polish and German are getting way better. I'm getting the tongue roll thing down.

N: Yeah? Even better then before? I'm gonna need some proof of that.

A: Your wish is my command ;P <3

We texted for a few more minutes before Adam had to leave and get some sleep.

I sighed and meandered my way through the crowd to catch back up with Paris and Andy.

It was ten o' clock by the time I got home, beat, but stomach full from cheap carnival food and candy. The sugar high was buzzing in my head by my tongue and mouth were dry: yay, dehydration.

The emptiness of the house was still getting to me, and while my sister, Kailea,had offered to let me stay at her place, it felt sort of awkward with her fiance Mark there. It wasn't that I didn't get along with him per se, it's just...well, okay. I didn't like him. Short and simple. But hey; it's my sister's happiness not my own.

So, I curled up on Adam's bed and flicked through the channels on his flat-screen, his ridiculous zebra striped throw pulled up to my chin. An old rerun of Friends was on and I let it play while flicking through social media, starting with Instagram.

Of course, Adam's updates were what popped up first, a picture of him illuminated with a pale blue light, head back, smoke all around. The caption read: That's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit...

A smile played at my lips at the Queen lyrics reference, and I touched the screen briefly with a finger.

You'll be home soon. And I'm counting down the hours.

(Heyo Glamberts! Sorry for this SHORRTT chapter, but fun things will be happening soon, I promise. Shout-out to Kitty_Glamgeek for the name Kailea posted a while back-I'd been searching for a name for Nix's sister for months! Anyway, hope y'all are enjoying the story so far and that you haven't gotten too bored yet ;P More IS coming, I promise. A lot of things have been happening in my life right now which is making it hard for me to devote enough time to crafting a decent plot/scene, and I want to make sure I DO spend enough time on those things.

Thanks for reading and voting- it keeps me going!

 As always, I will see you in the next chapter! Fall into the glitter~



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