Our Debut Was A Masterpiece

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I grinned as Adam broke out into a well executed body roll. It was obviously sexy, but he was being such a goof.

"My heart is a Ghost Town: my heart is a Ghost Town!"

The song faded out and the crowd screamed manically.

Adam grabbed a towel and his water bottle. "I gotta look good for my special guest!" He said with a huge smile, styling his hair up and to side a little. High pitched, hysterical screams.

My heart thudded; this was me. I glanced at the stage manager, Jack, and he smiled encouragingly. I touched my hair and nervously straightened my shirt.

"So everyone, I hope you all give a ton of love and good vibes and kindness towards this person because she is so very important to me."

There was a moment of silence. Oh my lord, the best fans on earth are going to hate me!

Then the wave of energy hit me like a blast of cold air.

"Alright! That's what I'm talking about! Okay y'all, give a big welcome to Nix!"

I took a deep breath and walked onstage, not trusting myself not to trip over the cords, (or my own feet), so I only cast a brief glance at the audience before reaching Adam. He held out his hand for me to take, which I did, and he pulled me into a tight hug. I could smell his cologne mixed with his sweat and leather jacket. He put his lips right at my ear. "You okay if I kiss you? Make it totally official?"

My face heated up but I nodded. Adam looked out to the fans, then back down at me. His eyes were dark and intense but full of love. He wrapped his arms around me and I stood on tiptoe, locking my arms around his neck. I thought my eardrums would burst from the noise this caused. Girlish screeches filled the vicinity, and Adam pulled me closer, opening my mouth with his tongue.

I mimicked him, but when I felt him sigh into my mouth I knew it was time to stop. The spotlight was on us and was hot like the sun, and my nerves returned. Adam sensed this and kept his arm around me, the raised the mike to his mouth.

"Isn't this girl amazing? And beautiful, am I right?"


"Yeah! So, to celebrate, well, us, we're going to sing a duet for you all."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I'd been preparing for this for weeks (well years, if you consider how long I'd been singing his songs), but it still felt too sudden.

The music started up and it took 2.5 seconds for everyone to guess the song.

Adam handed me a microphone and lifted his own.

"Cold as ice

And more bitter than a December winter night

That's how I treated you-ou-ou

I know it gets hard sometimes

But I could never leave your side

No matter what I say!

'Cause if I wanted to go I woulda gone by now

But I really need you near me to

Keep my mind off the edge.

And if I wanted to leave I would have left by now

But you're the only that knows me

Better Than I Know Myself!"

I was transfixed by his voice, the way he shut his eyes on the ending note, then opened them slowly, watching me.

Oh boy. Now I had to prove myself. I mean, no one was ever going to be able to match Adam's voice, but the least I could do was try and enhance it best I could.

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