I Do It For Her

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Adam's POV

I looked at myself in the foggy mirror. I wanted to dye my hair again. I knew Nix liked it now that I was letting the red come through, but I wasn't big on it.


Everything I was doing for her felt as though I could never make up for having rejected her for so long, for not having noticed her feelings for me. She told me I was doing more than enough and that she was over the moon just to be with me, but that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted everything to be perfect for her, for her to always feel loved.

But it was apparent that she still felt responsible for me and Sauli breaking up, though I told her it wasn't. None of this was my fault either though, right? Things just happened. Was it even anyone's fault, really? Yeah. Mine. But I'd been born this way.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, jarring me from my thoughts.

"Mr. Lambert? We need to be heading out in the next half hour."

"Okay." I replied. I had no idea who it was. How sad is that? I tried my hardest to meet everybody who worked for me, but sometimes it was impossible, what with upwards of 300 people or more with me on tours or really big shows like tonight.

I blow-dried my hair, got dressed in white ripped jeans and a black shirt with some sparkle on the shoulders, and left. Now that I hardly, if ever, wore makeup, getting ready was twice as fast.

In the dressing room I found Nix fast asleep, phone on her stomach. I smiled, my heart expanding. This girl...

I walked over to her and crouched down, touching her shoulder gently. "Hey, babe. We need to get going..."

Her eyes fluttered and a small smile crossed her lips. "Carry me." She mumbled.

"Okay, but you need to put your jacket on first."

I helped her into her red sweater, her eyes still mostly shut.

With a soft chuckle, I scooped her up, snagging her phone and putting it in my pocket. Nix put her arms around my neck and buried her face into my chest. She felt so warm and serene...

I left the dressing room and went into the hall. I could still hear people milling around and the thunder of feet and voices.

Jaron and Evan gave me warm smiles as I passed with Nix still in my arms. We were led out the back way where surprisingly few paparazzi were waiting. I shook my head and gestured to Nix in my arms; they still flashed a few pics before I cast them a death glare.

Once we were in the car to the airport, I took a moment to breathe. Nix was still fast asleep, and I was holding her against me, leaning my back on the door. I was beat and wanted to sleep, but the airport was less than ten minutes away, so if I could hold out till then I could sleep on the plane.

I was worried about carrying Nix up the steps to the plane when I was already so exhausted, so I gently prodded her awake.

"Babe, I need to you to walk, like fifteen feet, up 17 steps, and then you can go back to sleep, okay?"

Nix groaned but nodded, blinking in the lights from the runway.

I took her hand and both of our carry ons and we made it up the steps. I dropped our bags in the first empty seat I got to and then helped Nix over to the reclining seats. Once she was settled and drifting off again, I took the seat across the aisle, got a pillow and blanket and crashed.

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