Losing You

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Adam's POV

The weekend flew by, and I didn't remember most of it. I was distracted and on edge, and when Sauli asked me why Nix wasn't coming, I lied and said she hadn't been feeling well.

"Hope it wasn't something she ate the other night." He said, sounding concerned.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

The whole time, Tommy kept casting me strange looks, and I couldn't help but feel as though he knew something.

Finally, Monday rolled around, and for the first time I was happy to kiss Sauli goodbye in the morning. He hadn't been gone fifteen minutes when I ran out to the car and sped to Nix's house.

I was let into the building (the doorman waved me through) and took the elevator up to her apartment. Hovering on the doorstep, hand in midair, I thought about what to say. Nothing came to mind.

I knocked, and heard her footsteps cross the floor.

"Who is it?" She called warily.

"Who it is," I replied, hoping my tone didn't give away how nervous I was.

But the door didn't open.

"Nix?" I said, tapping the door again. "It's me,"

"Uh," her voice was high. "Yeah. Adam, what is it?"

Oh crap. This wasn't good.

"I just- just wanted to see how you were. Please let me in."

There was a moment's pause, and then the click of the lock and she opened the door. Purple circles were under her eyes, her hair was in a messy braid. She wore black leggings and an oversized pink T shirt adorned with a large flower.

She looked heart- stopping- hot.

"Nix-" I paused when I saw the sight behind her. Half of the living room was packed up; boxes littered the room.

"What's going on?"

She placed a hand on her hip, brushing back a strand of red hair. "I'm moving. What does it look like?"

"Where?" I gaped.

"With my sister. There's nothing around here I can afford now, so that's the only choice until I can get back to New York."

I was hurt and baffled at the same time, but not entirely shocked. "Because of me," I whispered. "You're leaving because of me. You're running away from me- from us."

She bristled. "I am not running away from anything, Adam Lambert. I'm leaving for your own good, and for mine probably as well."

"Then that means you're running from us!" I said hotly, trying not to raise my voice.

Nix wheeled around, striding into the living room. I followed, accidentally slamming the door behind me.

"C'mon, talk to me Nix!" I said desperately.

"Adam, you don't love me. You only think you do. Your soul mate is Sauli- not me. You don't know what you want."

"Don't you dare say I don't know who I love. Don't you dare say I 'don't know what I want'! I've spent my whole life being told that and everybody's always been wrong!" I half- shouted.

Nix gave me a heated glare, and I could tell her red-head personality was bursting through. She couldn't come up anything, so she turned and began snatching up random things and throwing them in boxes.

"Phoenix, I'm not going to let you just leave." I said quietly, watching her back.

She didn't pause, but her hands were shaking. "Oh yeah? And how are you gonna stop me? You can't."

I huffed. "I don't know. I just will. I'll prove to you that I'm not lying."

Finally, Nix turned to me, her face flushed. "I just don't want our friendship to be ruined, Adam."

I stepped closer to her, wishing more than anything I could touch her. "That's not going to happen. I swear to you."

For a fleeting moment, I thought she might actually be considering it, but then she seemed to shake herself from it. "I don't believe you, but you can try." and she turned to the box, resuming her packing.

I reached out and put my hand on hers. Nix looked up at me.

"What will I have to do?"

She said nothing, and my body acted without my consent. I put my hand on her waist and pulled her in, pressing my lips against hers roughly. Nix didn't react the same at first, but then I slipped my hand to the nape of her neck and kept kissing her.

She moaned, snaking her hands into my hair tightly. I could tell she was fighting with herself. I parted her mouth with my lips and let my tongue melt with hers, and she twisted her hands in my hair, pulling against me until I gasped into her mouth.

We broke apart for a moment, and as much as I wanted to continue, I didn't want to risk it.

But Nix had other ideas.

She stood on tiptoe and touched her tongue to my lips, licking the corner of my mouth, slowly taking her hands out from my hair and dragging them across my chest. I stared at her, not even thinking twice about how close we were.

Nix had her hands on my arms as I held her close, listening to her panting.

"Does that prove it?" I asked quietly.

Nix opened her mouth, shut it, then stepped away. "I shouldn't have done that. We shouldn't have done that."

I exhaled, letting her walk away. "You won't feel that way forever."

And I left the apartment, praying to God that she wouldn't keep packing those boxes.

(New chapter here as promised! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry if some of you were expecting "more than a kiss;" I don't write that! But hopefully y'all are satisfied with this :) Thanks for the reads and votes!!)

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