First Date

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My life flipped upside down from that moment on. Adam and I took it slowly, and he pestered me into letting him pay for at least one month of my rent so I could stay in town and be closer. It was strange to keep it fairly low key and stay out of the public eye, but I knew it wouldn't last forever. Social media was catching on that Sauli hadn't been seen in several weeks. Adam was taking as few interviews as possible and only did private concerts, as he was taking a break. Only a handful of people knew, though, that he was working on a new album.

I didn't know the title or any of the songs, but I knew Adam was excited about it.

Our first "official" date came a week after things had settled down a bit and Adam had had some time to reflect and heal a bit. He took me to his friend's mini-farm a ways out of town, where a beautiful old truck sat parked in the gravel driveway. I was curious and cracked a smile when Adam tugged me towards it, grinning like a little kid. He opened the door for me and I slid in, inhaling the soft, homey smell of old leather and dust.

Adam looked so different from his usual self; black, broken in cowboy boots, a button down sky blue shirt and dark wash jeans. His hair was ruffled back in a fluffy mess; my urban cowboy. At his request, I'd worn a country-chic/Bo-Ho style lace dress. It was flowing, loose and skimmed my knees with a soft fringe. I'd paired it with a wide leather belt and soft, brown ankle boots. And to add just another subtle touch, I'd braided my hair and let a few stray locks kiss my face.

Adam guided the truck down a dirt road for about five minutes, neither one of us coming up with much to say. I rolled down the window and felt the breeze touch me.

Finally, we pulled past a gate and into a small field, with tall, sun-kissed wheat. There was a clearing free from grass where a small picnic table had been set up, complete with the customary red and white checkered table cloth.

"Adam," I breathed, my jaw open at the beautiful, simple sight.

"Like it?" He asked, sounding like there was a bit of a nervous edge to his tone.

"I love it!"

He beamed, relieved, then came around to open my door, but grabbed a picnic basket from the backseat that I hadn't spotted before.

"This is so...chill. Not at all what I was expecting."

Adam took my hand in his and lead me towards the table, where I got a closer look at the spread. A candle, a small cooler, and fancy china.

Okay, I was officially geeking out now.

I sat as gracefully as I could on the bench and watched Adam grab two wine glasses, and came up with a glass pitcher of lemonade from the cooler. I grinned: I loved lemonade.

"My friend helped me out," Adam explained, setting my glass in front of me. "I totally owe him after this."

My voice had disappeared, somehow I felt close to tears. Here we were. Best friends that had eventually turned into something more. Sacrifices made, hearts broken, world's turned upside down, but here we were.

He wasn't Adam Lambert: he was just Adam. My Adam.

Adam lit the candle and sat down, rifling through the basket until surfacing with the first course.

"But first; a toast." He said, smiling. I felt my cheeks heat up and raised my glass.

"To us, this beautiful night, our beautiful, crazy relationship, and for this to last forever."

"To us," I echoed, completely, full on blushing now. We clinked our glasses together.

I crossed my fingers under the table that this would last forever.

(Hey Glamberts! I'm sorry this is so short, but it was sort of a needed filler that wouldn't fit anywhere else. I am currently back to writing more than I have been, things are just coming slowly. I was trying to come with a bridging sequence for this part and when the story REALLY starts ;) ) Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day/week! Any questions or anything feel free to message me. Thank you for the reads and votes. And as always, I will see you in the next chapter! Glitter on!)

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