I'd Be Honored

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Life with Adam was basically indescribable.

His boundless energy only lasted in front of crowds and cameras. Granted, he could function on 4 or 5 hours of sleep, but I couldn't, however.

I'd decided to join him on some publicity tours for the album because I wouldn't have any time off from school when the real tour started. So, of course, all of this meant that it eventually came out that I was going to the university. Adam was pissed as heck when it appeared all over social media, and he was nervous for me to go back, but Daniel and Luke said they would talk to the powers that be on some ground rules.

It made me feel like a little kid, with everything running my life; when it was okay to say or post this but not this. When Adam had time to spend with me, whether or not I should have a bodyguard with me at school.

I fought all of this, but in the end lost to Adam's anxiety.

On the plane to Australia we looked over my classes and decided the ones where I had to cross campus was when I could be most "vulnerable"

"Ad, we don't even know if it'll be a problem! So far we haven't seen hardly any trouble!"

Adam and ran a hand through his reddening hair. "Yeah, but better safe than sorry."

I groaned. "Baby boy, please. It'd only draw more attention to me."

"I just want you to be safe..."

I snuggled up against him. "I know. But can we just try this first?"

"Fine, but while we're here and you're not with me, please stick with Evan or Jaron, okay?"


The flight passed quickly after we'd fallen asleep, and before I knew it we landed. Adam grabbed our carry-ons and checked his phone, scrolling through something.

"So, there are at least 50 to 75 people waiting it looks like. Possibly not counting pro or magazines. Ready?"

"Hang on." I pulled out my compact, brushed off a few stray eyelashes and added some shimmery pink lip-gloss.

We went through the sky walk and as soon as we reached baggage claim, the fans spotted us. I wanted to hold Adam's hand, but we were too laden down with baggage.

Evan and Jaron met us before we went any further, and Evan smiled warmly at me.

"How're you doing, Miss Nix?" He asked cheerily.

I gave him a hug. "Not bad, sir. And yourself?"

He nodded, returning my embrace. "Much better now that I can see you!"

"Hey, hey. That's my girl!" Adam said in mock-defensiveness. Evan put his arms around me, tugging me a few feet away while I laughed like a little kid.

"No way, Lambert!"

"Alright alright, we've got a time table to keep, kids." Jaron stated seriously. Ever the buzz-kill.

I snatched up my bag again and was about to go to Adam's when he swore.

"Damn! Phone died. How long we got, Jaron?"

Jaron checked his watch. "Around twenty minutes."

"Okay, that works." Adam rifled through his bag and found his charger.

"Evan? Could you take my bag please?" I asked. He agreed, leaving me free to loop my arm through Adam's. I hoped he didn't think I was being too clingy, but he never said anything.

He found an outlet and plugged in his iPhone. I smiled a little at the fact that he still had the black and yellow 'Trespassing' phone cover.

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