You're My Gift

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I woke up early the next morning, my eyes red and itchy from all the crying I'd done the day before.

Even now, as an adult, I got way too excited on Christmas Morning, and today was no different. It was still dark outside and I was waking up to a barren hotel room-

Except it wasn't.

I sat bolt upright, jaw agape. My room was not boring with its eggshell walls and brown carpet; a tiny little fake Christmas tree sat on the table near the window, multi-colored lights blinking gently, lending a pretty glow to my otherwise dingy room, and under it were the presents Adam had brought.

I threw my covers off, taking in the rest of the room. Tinsel was draped over the TV and a small pot of red and green poinsettias were on the windowsill.

"Adam..." I breathed, with a shake of my head. I checked my watch; 7:46.

Should I give him some time to sleep? He was certainly hungover still, yet had come up with the time to decorate the room for me.

Eh, screw it, it was Christmas.

Which gave me an idea.

I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on, took my key then trotted down to the lobby dining room, where they had a huge bowl of fruit. A Christmas tradition in my family was to receive an orange in your stocking. Obviously I didn't have a stocking to give to Adam but hopefully he would still like it.

After dropping the orange off in my room I padded across the hall to Adam's room. He opened the door on my third knock, dressed in track pants and a black tank top, exposing his freckles. Still hot.

"Merry Christmas, Firework!" He said, scooping me into a hug.

"Merry Christmas, Adam! Er, or Happy Hanukkah, should I say?" I said, returning his embrace.

Adam laughed. "חנוכה שמח!" He said easily.

"I'm guessing that was Hebrew?"

He nodded proudly.

"Skills, dude." I said, impressed. "Quick question; did you decorate my room?"

He grinned and ran a hand through his hair to flip it out of his eyes. "I did. I hope that was okay. You sleep really heavy."

I blushed. Somehow the thought of Adam tiptoeing around my room wasn't creepy in a Twilight way. "Yeah, I love it! It totally made my day, thank you. Um, how did you get my key card, though?" 

Adam rubbed the back of his neck a bit nervously. "Uh, last night, when you were hunting around for mine. You kept yours in your bag, so while I 'hugged' you I just slipped it out and back into my own."

"Wow, Adam, you're quite the magician!" I laughed, my face warm.

"I'm sorry about last night, by the way. That was so immature for me to do."

"Nah, it's all good." I waved him off. "But how's the headache?"

He groaned. "Kinda terrible. I was sick at least twice after we got back, but enough cups of black coffee and the headache is almost gone, thank God."

"That's good. How long have you been up, anyway?"

"Since about 5:30. Jet lag. So, are you ready for presents?" He grinned and gave me a wink.

"Heck yeah!"

Inside my room, I was dead nervous. I only had one thing for Adam and he'd brought at least eight things for me.

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