Just a Kiss Goodnight

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(I would listen to "Just a Kiss Goodnight" by Lady Antebellum while reading this :) )

Before we left and after dessert- ( strawberries flambe) we asked a waiter to take our picture near the gold water feature. I stood in the middle, and my two best friends slipped their arms around my waist.

Out on the sidewalk, giggling happily and staring up at the stars, I willed the night to slow down. Adam hadn't called the limo around yet- we wanted to savor the moment.

We walked side by side down the street; I was holding each of their hands.

"Well, it's safe to say that this was the most EPIC birthday party I've ever had," I said, inhaling the sweet scent of the cool night breeze.

"Wait till next year- we'll top it." Sauli said confidently.

"So about this weekend," Adam spoke up. "My Mom invited us to hang out at the lake. I guess she figures we could camp of we wanted to. You guys game?"

I nodded fervently. "Totally! That sounds like fun."

Sauli agreed, and Adam said he'd let his mom know in the morning. Finally, after we'd walked the length of Main Street, Adam called the limo up. We saw it coming down the street two blocks away.

When it pulled up, we took a couple of pictures, as well as when we got inside; a selfie of the three of us leaning in, beaming. The limo parked outside my apartment; I reached over and gave Sauli a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"'Night gorgeous," I said. "Behave yourself."

"Ha. Not a chance."

Adam walked with me up the stairs and I went inside. He, however, hovered on the doorstep, back-lit by the street lamps.

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

Adam gave me a crooked grin, seeming almost distant. "You know... I've never before in my life seen a woman as beautiful as you. Not ever."

I blushed, a little embarrassed, but still pleased. "Jeez, Ad. What brings this on?"

 He shrugged. "What? It's true. You're beautiful. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, promise?"

"I promise." I stepped up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder to kiss him goodnight like I had with Sauli, when Adam did something completely unexpected; he kissed me.

On the lips.

I froze when his warm lips met mine for a split second, unsure if he meant it. He tastes like strawberries... Adam broke away and searched my face, his chest rising and falling as he waited for my reaction.
I felt like I didn't even have a reaction beyond being so shocked that I couldn't nove.
Adam kissed me again roughly, letting his hands slide down my back, pressing me close to him. He briefly parted my lips and let his tongue meet mine. Without thinking, I experimentally mimicked him.
But that was where I couldn't let it go any further, even though the uncomfortable heat in my lower stomach was growing and urging me on.
I stepped back quickly, guilt overpowering my shock. I could barely meet his eyes as we stood, panting.
"I'm- I'm sorry," He said shakily. "Oh God- I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

I shook my head. "Don't worry. Uh, you should get back....to Sauli."

 Adam nodded, as if dazed by the name. "Right. Yeah. Sauli. Well um, 'night, Nix."


I shut the door after him, then slumped against it. Had that seriously just happened?! Adam hadn't had anything major to drink at dinner, so he had been in his head.

I suddenly wished more than ever that I had someone else to talk to about this, and usually that would be Adam or Sauli, but obviously that wasn't an option now.

But I wasn't totally alone.

I dug through my purse and took out my phone, texting Tommy. He was pretty tight-knit with the rest of us.

Can u call me? Plz it's an emergency.

Okay, so maybe I was being a tad bit over dramatic, but the blood was pounding in my ears too loudly for rational thought.

Barely ten seconds later my cell rang.


"TJ, are you alone?" I asked, kicking off my heels and scampering to my room.

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"It's about Adam... He just...right now when he was leaving he-" I took a deep breath, the words still felt strange in my mouth. "He kissed me, Tommy. Like, legit kissed me."

Tommy was quiet for a moment, and when he spoke I could imagine the expression on his face.

"Adam kissed you? OUR Adam?"


"How drunk was he?"

I sighed impatiently. "Not at all. But what do I do? We're supposed to be going to the lake this weekend, and then I'm supposed to be moving in with them in two weeks!"

"Well first of all, you need to make sure you talk with Adam before Sauli finds out some other way. That would be the worst way for him to discover it. And second- you need to know if he was serious about it."

"He was pretty freakin' serious, TJ." I said.

"Nix, I wouldn't freak out over this. You know how Adam can be sometimes. He's a passionate, spontaneous guy. Just because the kiss "felt serious" doesn't always mean that it was in any other way beside getting heated."

"Yeah, but why would he even consider jeopardizing his relationship with Sauli? THAT'S not like Adam at all. He'd never do something like that to hurt someone."

"Then maybe he's thought it through," Tommy said quietly.

I didn't speak for a moment.

"Oh my God...what if he has? But he couldn't have!" I stood up and began pacing, letting my hair loose from its clip. "He's not into girls. He's messed around with them before, but nothing serious. This must have just been one of those times. Right?"

"Probably. Nix, like I said; he most likely just got carried away. Adam likes to kiss his friends." Tommy said, with a hint of 'duh you should know this,'  in his voice.

"Will you come with us this weekend? And bring Ashley too if she can make it."

"Sure. Should I ask Adam first? I don't wanna barge in on his mom."

I wandered into my bathroom and leaned against the counter. "No, just be here at nine Saturday morning."


We said goodbye and hung up. My head was spinning and my stomach was churning.

This had been one drama- fueled week.


(A/N. Sorry this took so long! I've honestly been so out of it after my surgery that it's been hard to drag myself to my computer to update. This will probably be the last one for a while because I just realized some major scenes that need to happen, unless I find a way around it haha ;) However, I'll probably add to my one shots at some point.  Thank you all for the reads and votes, and let me know what y'all think so far!!)

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