See You Soon

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I had seen the look in my brother's eyes, Mom's, as well as Elise's. They all had their gaze glued to Nix's right hand, obviously desperate for answers. I would tell them later if they wanted. Nix, however, looked at me to explain the situation at hand, so I put a smile on my face and informed my family what was up. Mom looked a little bummed that we would be leaving sooner than expected but also thrilled for Nix.

"Well then, maybe we can do a mini-pre Thanksgiving Thanksgiving for you guys," She suggested.

"Oh, please don't go out of your way," Nix piped up. Mom shook her head, a delicate smile on his lips.

"Sweetie, it's no trouble. Double the fun."

While Mom and Elise introduced Nix to the little traditions of Thanksgiving the Lambert family had, I chilled in the living-room with my little brother, each of us with a beer in hand and watching the early reruns of Christmas movies.

"Are you serious? This early?" Neil huffed. I smirked. "They started playing Christmas music in October."

We chatted off and on, both listening to the sound of our girls laughing from the kitchen. A smile touched my mouth and I shut my eyes, zeroing in on Nix's beautiful voice as she did her best to cook. She really wasn't all that bad, but I knew by her tone she was nervous, desperate not to mess anything up.

"So," Neil said with a long exhale. "How's it going with you two?"

I took a sip of my beer. "Maybe we should just wait until tomorrow when dad gets here before we go into that."

Neil chuckled. "Good point. But how about from a brother to brother standpoint?"

I let my head drop back onto the couch cushions. "Fine. It's going great. She's...she's incredible. I mean, she always was, obviously, but now...she's my entire world. Being away on tour or whatever is just that much harder when I can't be with her. But then, sometimes all I can think about is how.." How I cheat on her all the time and I don't deserve her. "...lucky I am."

Neil gave me a huge grin and clapped me on the shoulder. "Damn, bro. You got it bad!"

"Heh, yeah I guess I do."

"That's an impressive ring on her finger, Adam."

"It's a promise ring, Neil. I gave it to her in England."

"You also bought her a fricken house." He pointed out. "So why just a promise ring?" Neil cocked his head.

"Because...I'm-I don't want to get into something I can't finish. I need to know everything is stable before I decide to make anything permanent."

"You practically have anyway, man. A promise ring is basically an engagement ring."

"I know, but... it's just complicated, okay? She's young-"

"Adam, she isn't that young."

"Neil, please. Drop it."

I hated to make the silence awkward, but luckily it was broken by the call that dinner was ready. I drained my beer and put mine as well as Neil's empty bottle in the recycling bin, then joined the others at the table. Nix gave me a cute smile and took my hand under the table.

Was every touch going to make me feel guilty? Make me feel nervous that at an second she would just magically know the truth?

I traced my thumb along the coolness of the back of her hand, trying my hardest to focus on the conversations going on around me but to very little avail. Nix seemed perfectly happy, more elated than I had seen her in months. Like a great weight had been taken off her shoulders and it was a great feeling to have her looking so happy, her face lit up, flashing her teeth as she grinned. She was never one for wanting a lot of attention, but when attention was put on her she would gracefully accept the role. I soon got lost in her stories and the way she told them.

My dad arrived the next day and we got to spend half the day with him before I could tell Nix was practically dying to get ready for her flight. We had booked her a flight for Boston the previous night, while I had to return to Hollywood to start the filming for my part in RHPS. Nix was a bit bummed that I wouldn't be there for the initial reunion, but I told her it was probably for the best that I wasn't there for the first little while. We apologized profusely for having to leave so early, but my family was gracious and said that it was more important for Nix to get this time with her family.

We hugged everyone and then loaded our stuff back up into the car for the drive home. Nix talked nervously almost the entire way back, while I nodded and commented only occasionally.

Suddenly, she stopped. I looked over at her. "What?"

She was staring out the window, ears red.

"Babe?" I asked, reaching over and taking her hand. "Talk to me, doll."

Nix finally faced me, a few tears rolling down her pink cheeks. "Adam, what am I doing? This is a huge mistake. What if they haven't changed at all and are horrible to you again?"

I sighed. "Baby, you have to start thinking about yourself once in a while. I can take of myself. It might upset me a little bit but your parents not liking me isn't the end of the world, I've told you this. As long as I got you by my side then I can do anything. As cliche as that sounds."

God I'm such a terrible person.

But Nix smiled and squeezed my hand. "I love you."

"I love you, too.

I dropped Nix at home because it was on the way to Hollywood and we stood in the driveway, hugging for as long as we could spare before I absolutely had to go.

"Good luck, killer." She said, one small hand on my cheek.

"Thanks, Nixxy. I'll be seeing you really soon, alright?"

I watched her in my rear-view mirror as I drove away, hating myself more and more every second for what I was doing to her.

(Ohhhh, Adam...what are we gonna do with you?)

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