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 Hey guys!! So, this has NOTHING to do with the story-I'm sorry XD But because I am so freaking excited I just had to do something about it lol

Thursday, I got a new puppy!!! His name is Remmick  and he's about 1yr- and we think he is some kind of Chesepeake Bay Retriever Shepherd mix?--and he was abandoned at the shelter :'( It was totally love at first sight. The first shelter we went to he was there, leaning against his cage with the saddest eyes I'd ever seen- like an ASPCA commercial.

 I took him out of his kennel, but he almost knocked me over and I figured he was too strong, too chaotic, too neurotic, so I put him away. I couldn't even look back at him as I left to go to an another shelter.

At the second shelter, there were only two dogs but they were getting more in about an hour, so I left for an hour, came back, and there Remmy was, head against the cage door and one paw sticking through the bars.


 I took him out of his kennel, spent the next hour with him and realized that human beings are overrated, signed his papers, and he was mine all within two hours :D

I picked him up Friday and as of this moment he is sprawled next to me on the couch in a big bundle of red fur and huge paws.  :) He's had a terribly rough life, but I am determined to change that forever. Because of where I have been emotionally lately, Remmy saved my life and I saved his.

 So, if you are thinking about getting another pet, please, PLEASE check out your local shelter. So many dogs are desperate to leave to a new family who will love them unconditionally. I thought Remmy wasn't for me, but it just turned out that he was freaking out being there.

 So don't limit yourself to looks or breed or whatever. A rescue dog will love you for as long as they are alive. 


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