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"Love her, but leave her wild."


Nix and I lay on our bed, phones in hand, watching our Twitter feeds blow up during our live Q&A we were currently doing."Here's one," I said. "What was the first you noticed about Nix? Hi from South Africa."

"Hm. Probably your hair. Then your lips."

"I didn't know that," Nix said. "How original."

"I'd just met you!" I said.

"I know I know!" She elbowed me in the ribs.

"What was the first thing you noticed about me?" I asked.

"That black and silver suit you were wearing, then those ridiculously awesome horned gloves."

"Oh, God. That oufit-"

"Was fricken perfect. I loved it!"

I rolled my eyes and typed out my answer before scrolling to the next question.

Nix found a good one first. "What were the first words you two said to each other?" Aix forever!"

"Aix? What the hell is that?" I asked, confused.

"Our ship name, apparently. Isn't it cute? I never thought I would get a ship name with someone."

"It's interesting, ha."

"The first words you ever said to me were "is this seat taken?" And then I said-"

"'Um, no'." Adam laughed. "Such a cliche opener, huh?"

"For sure. Here's another one; "were you nervous on your first date?" She swiftly typed out a yes and I agreed with a chuckle.

"How often do you guys argue?" I tapped the pone to my chin. Nix leaned over to see what I was typing.

Hardly ever, and if we do it's pretty quickly resolved in bed. Angry sex is the best.

"OH MY GOD. Adam don't you DARE post that!"

I rolled to my side, arms outstretched because she couldn't reach me, and hit the little blue arrow.

"It's true! Especially with all the biting and your damn nails that I swear to God you must sharpen to a point beforehand."

She covered her face with a groan. "Just move on to a different question, please."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, then laughed at the comments and retweets that roared through within moments of my post.

We ended up doing a quick livestream, watching the hearts pop up at Pongo, who was laying between us, chewing on his stuffed bear. Lots of questions were asked about him, about how cute our little family was, as well as asking how our Christmas went. After about an hour, we signed off to go get some food.

Nix slid to the edge of the bed and stretched, staring at the ground in that way where your brain just needs a break. I turned my phone onto her and hit record, being totally silent until I reached over to brush my fingers down her spine. Pongo yapped and leapt up to nip at my arm.

"Ow! Way to ruin the moment, Pong."

Nix laughed and pulled her hair up into a bun, using the hair tie on her wrist.

Black Glitter *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now