The Call

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Leila Lambert was honestly one of the nicest people to have ever lived. She took Adam's lifestyle and career in stride and supported him in (almost) everything. She had nearly screamed our ears off in joy when we Skyped to tell her that we were officially dating. She knew before the general public did. She loved treating me like the daughter she never had from the moment we met, and this time wasn't any different.

My nerves melted away when we pulled up to her modest home and parked in the round driveway.

"And you bought her this?" I asked, incredulous.

Adam nodded and shut off the car. "Yep. Of all the houses she could have chosen she went with this one. But as long as she's happy, that's what matters."

"You're such a good son," I remarked with a smile.

"Nah, Neil is, I just buy people's affections."

"True." I joked.

Luggage in hand, we hauled it up to the front door, which flew open before we had even knocked.

"Adam, Nix!"

"Hey, mom!" Adam said, returning her enthusiasm and sweeping her into a hug.

"Nix, you look beautiful, as always." Leila said, also giving me a hug.

"Thank you," I blushed. "You're looking lovely as well."

She ushered us in and I smiled at the decorations; brown and orange was everywhere, the general Thanksgiving theme all around.

"Mom, how long have you had this stuff?" Adam asked, indicating a rather war-torn looking little turkey statue.

"How old are you?"

"Uh, 34"

"24 years."

"Oh my god. Time to spring for some new decorations."

Leila smiled fondly. "You and Neil bought it for me, remember? How could I ever throw that away?"

Adam snickered. "You'll be a hoarder before you know it."

I elbowed Adam. "Be nice."

"As you wish."

Leila cast us a loving look as I blushed.

"So, when will everyone else be here?" He asked, taking a seat beside me in the living-room.

"Neil and Elise will be here by tonight, your father said he would stop by tomorrow, if you want him to."

"Sure, as long you're okay with it."

Adam and I brought our stuff to the guest room, where he turned to me, arms crossed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Time to call your parents."


"Nope, you said you'd do it. No time like the present. You'll have time before Neil gets here. Don't make me have to trap you in here."

"Ad, I bet their number has changed by now-"

"Phoenix. I don't usually ask you do something you don't like, but you need to do this. If it doesn't work out, fine. But what if it does?"

I huffed. "Yeah, Adam, what if they have a compromise that they'll bring me back into the family on the condition that I don't see you ever again?"

His face gave away no emotion. "Then that's your call."

We stood there, staring at each other, before I finally gave in. "Fine."

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