Another Lonely Night

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Adam's POV

"Adam? Adam! Baby wake up!"

I gasped awake to hear Sauli's voice, his warm palm on my sweat drenched chest.

"Pahuksen," (damn it) I hissed, cursing in Sauli's native tongue. "I'm- I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to wake you up."

Sauli's bright, empathetic face was lit up by the pale, early morning light coming in through the curtains. I'd forgotten to close the blackout blinds.

"It's okay, rakkaani. (my beloved) What was..." he paused, searching for the right word; English still tripped him up sometimes. "What was scare you?" He tilted his head, silently asking if he'd used the right word.

"Scaring," I corrected. "I don't know. I don't remember it exactly. It was more like a feeling, you know? Just the feel of it was hurting me." I hesitated, tracing his spine, touching his strong, lean shoulders. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the dream. "I think I was losing someone close to me..."

My heart gave a squeeze: I knew who it was.

I cleared my throat and shifted, rolling to my side gently. I'd never been more torn in my life. I loved Sauli so much, but I was also in love with Nix. God...I wanted both of them.

Sauli put his head on his arm, watching me. He didn't seem tired at all. I looked over his chiseled features, still with a hint of baby-ness to it. But his eyes really told the story. He was so intelligent and kind, funny, caring, loving...he was as loyal as a puppy and I could never contend with that.

"Mikä on se, vauva?" (what is it, baby?) He asked.

I shook my head and pulled the black sheet and blanket over us. "Nothing, don't worry."

I kissed him briefly on the lips and he sighed, content. Sauli snuggled into me and was soon asleep.

However, I was wide awake when the sun was fully up.

I knew to keep my distance from Nix for a while, but it wasn't going unnoticed. Sauli didn't work that day and suggested we call her up, but I hastily stopped him.

He gave me a questioning look. "Why not?"

"Uh, she's...she's kinda mad at me," I admitted, vowing not to delve deeper than that.

Sauli cocked his head, ignoring his laptop screen. "For what?"

I shrugged, hoping it looked flippant enough. "Dunno. She's just being a girl right now I guess. But whatever, she'll be okay soon."

Sauli quirked an eyebrow but returned to his laptop.

I finished my juice and hurried off to shower, taking longer than usual (which was saying something), just standing under the hot water until I'd worked up enough courage to make it through at least part of the day.

I stared at myself in the mirror as I combed my hair and slicked it back. Hmm. I think it's time for a change. So, I retrieved my phone from the bedroom and dialed my hairdresser and made an appointment for that afternoon.

I swiped on a bit of eyeliner and didn't fix the smudges; it looked sexier that way in my opinion.

Black, paint-splatter print skinny jeans and a plain black T shirt, matched with some old leather boots and I was ready for the day. I had to meet up with my project manager Jeremy around noon, and though it was only ten, I needed to get out of the house.

I kissed Sauli goodbye- pulling away before it got too heated, leaving him with a slightly confused look. I bit back my guilt and left, shifting the Audi through the crowded streets to the studio.

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