Who's To Blame?

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Nix's POV

It'd been hours since I'd left Adam's and I knew he must have gotten around to telling Sauli by now. All I could hope for was that they hadn't ended up in a physical fight.

At one AM, I decided to call it a night, but not before shooting him a text.

Hey...are you okay? How did things go?

It felt a little foolish to ask that because I doubted very much that he was okay and it hadn't gone too well.

I was on edge all night waiting for him to respond but he never did. Oh my lord, what if he's changed his mind? What if he looked at Sauli and realized he was making a mistake?

No. He wouldn't do that...he keeps his word.

Somehow, sleep finally overcame me and swirled me away into a night filled with strange, lonely dreams.

My cell phone played out Adam's ringtone and I sat bolt upright, almost dropping my phone in my haste to grab it.

"Hello?" I asked breathlessly.

"Hey Nix..."

"Adam! What happened? Are you okay?"

He cleared his throat and it sounded like it hurt him. "Yeah, I am... I just wanted to call and say sorry that I didn't let you know about things earlier, I just needed some...uh, some down time. Time to think."

I brought my knees up to my chest. "I get that. Um, so how did it go?"

"How do you think?"

I winced a little at his sharp tone. "Yeah..."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just really exhausted."

"No, it's fine. Do you need anything?"

"I think I'm okay. Um, will you come over tonight around 7?"

"Of course. Are you sure you're alright, Adam?"

"Yeah, Nix, don't worry. I'll see you later."

"Uh right. Bye."

We hung up and I stared at the phone for several moments, my brain whirring and frozen. What was his deal?

He's just gotten out of a relationship that lasted 3 years! Give him a break.

My eyes fell to the white jewelry box on my half packed dresser. I could see the little box that held the necklace Sauli and Adam had gotten me for my birthday. What do you do with a present like that has come from a couple that broke up? Especially if you really like it? Keep it?

I got up and went to the shower, pushing my current stressful thoughts out of my head best I could. As of right now, I still had to assume that I would be living with Paris. I called her up and updated her on the situation, and she asked if I wanted to come over.

"Sure, thanks, P. I'll head out in like an hour."

It took a little over an hour to get to Paris' place, more in bad traffic, but I didn't mind the drive; it gave me time to think.

I put on some background noise and took a more scenic route to get there, strangely unfeeling, as if my brain was finally giving me a break.

At Paris', I let her gush over Andy as we drank hot chocolate and ate popcorn, and Adam all but faded away.


It was shallow of me to have been so short tempered with Nix, and I knew it must have bothered her just a little. But I didn't want to call back and apologize. I just couldn't do it. I didn't want her to ask question that weren't ready to be answered just now.

Tommy had brought me home, leaving me to deal with the paperwork involved with getting my car back, as well as my DUI fine. My hangover was intense, and pretty soon I gave up on anything requiring more brainpower than just breathing, and laid on the couch, eyes shut with the TV running quietly.

So. Sauli was gone. My little stint last night had apparently been enough time for him to get his stuff out because his side of the closet was empty, all his stuff in the bathroom was gone. It was so lonely without his happy voice flitting through the house, not having him curled up against me, teaching me short Finnish sentences and laughing at the way I butchered them.

A ghost of a painful smile crossed my lips and tears pricked my eyes.

No Adam, c'mon. This is for Nix, for both of you. You said you would do anything for her, so what were you expecting?

I wondered what she was doing, thinking, if she was hurt...

I just could not stop creating drama for myself, could I? It dogged me like a shadow, especially over these past few years. I had been so desperate to come into the scene with a bang and make sure the whole world knew how wild and crazy I was, not just the "good boy" from Idol.

But I'd outgrown that. I'd made my mark, I'd got a following, now I could chill and just be me.

Well, as "me" as you can get in this industry, I suppose. I just wish it hadn't cost me so much...

But with Nix, maybe things would be different. But if it wasn't, I couldn't backtrack and tell Sauli everything was mistake. It'd be a miracle if he would EVER speak to me again.

And I couldn't blame him.

So now what? I had to try and quicken my hangover before she came over. What a stupid idea to do!

I hauled my tired body off the couch and managed to make some coffee, downed it black and burning my tongue in the process. Two more cups later, I felt a little better enough to shower.

Tommy called around 3 that afternoon to ask how I was, and to chastise me just a bit. I tossed my phone to the floor and stuck a pillow over my head. But it couldn't drown out the noise in my brain.

I dozed on and off until it got dark out and my headache had reduced greatly. My hair was a mess when I looked in the mirror, since I'd crashed without drying or styling it.

There was nothing to do for the next two hours before Nix arrived, so I decided to call my brother to distract my racing thoughts.

(Hey Glamberts! So finally, here is a chapter. Sorry it's boring and short, but at least I got out of  my block! More will be coming just as soon as I can get it down. As always, thank you all for every single read, vote, and comment! Without them, I probably wouldn't still be writing this :)

 Until next time, throw glitter and sparkle! ~CG)

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