Lost The Nerve

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Changed, cleaned up, and ready to party, Adam and I set out to the second venue, taking a black SUV instead of the limo. Adam had shed his dressy outfit and into some sleek black skinny jeans, low ankle boots, and a casual shirt with a blazer. I felt totally beautiful in my red dress and couldn't stop touching the silky fabric.

"Ready to party?" Adam asked, bringing my hand up to kiss. His lips held a hint of gloss to them to make them shine. It was hot, okay?

"Oh yeah. Hopefully my legs won't give out though!"

"They won't, sweetheart. But if they do, I'll catch you."

I kissed him. "You better. But I see one problem here,"

"I'll fix whatever it is," He stated.

With a little giggle, I hunted through my small purse until I emerged with an onyx black eyeliner. "You need some of this."

He raised an eyebrow-something I wished I could actually do- and nodded. "If you so wish."

"C'mon, you miss it. Especially for a party."

He shrugged, a playful, knowing smirk on his lips. "Hey, I say nothing."

"Alright, close your eyes."

He did as told and I went to work, lining and smudging until I was pleased.

"Ta-da!" I sang, handing him my compact.

"Niiiice. Top notch, Nixxy!"

I grinned, smug. "Well, I am the queen of eyeliner."

His bright blue eyes popped with the darker than black liner, smudged to perfection but not emo.


"There she goes, my baby Walks so slow

Sexual tic-tac-toe

Yeah, I know we both know it isn't time, no

But could ya be m-mine?

Let's get inside your car, just you, me and the stars,

Kind of menage et trois, sometimes

But could you be m-mine?"

Adam put His hands on my hips, singing the lyrics to his own song, but changing the beginning to match the situation.

"Just let go, baby," he said over the thunder of music. He pulled me closer to his body, grinding his hips against me. I took a breath- he was right.

I draped my hands over his shoulders and moved with him, looking directly into his excited eyes; he lived to dance.

"Forget about the sunrIse," he said into my ear, leaving a chasTe kiss on my neck. I smiled at the referencE.

I suppose there was a reason he had such coquettish and honest lyrics, because they were so true. He felt every word, every beat and every emotion.

And he wanted to share it with me.

People were cheering and having a great time but no presented their direct attention on us; they were just having fun.

"Give you a Fever, Fever, yeah

My One and own I wanna get you alone

Give you Fever, Fever, yeah!"

I felt the heat, could sense the growing urgency Adam emitting. He was having fun but he wanted to get me home.

The Lights were flashing, the bass cracked through the open-air dance floor, and the laughter floated all around as the hits from the winners and nominees were playeD back to back. Adam hated it when his own songs were played and he was there to hear it, but tonight it seemed to fit and didn't bother him.

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