Happy With You

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The valet got out and handed the keys to Adam with a tip of the hat.

"Adam, oh my lord."

He shrugged. "I couldn't help myself. Come on; this is one of the most expensive cars in the world. Like I was gonna pass up the chance to drive one for free. Now, my lady, shall we?"

I giggled a little at the spark in his bright blue eyes and slid into the passenger side door he held open. It must have looked a bit strange that we were getting into this ridiculous car dressed so casually.

Adam took a moment or two to familiarize himself with the gears and such before we were off. The Aston had some epic get up and go and Adam whistled. "Day-um. Okay, where we should go?"

"Babe, you probably know more about Vegas than I do."

"Well, let's ask the car."


"Siri," Adam said in a loud, clear voice. There was a ding and Siri's voice spoke.

"Hello. What can I do for you Mr..."

"Lambert," Adam said. This was bizarre. "Give me some of the best stores in Las Vegas, Nevada, near the Strip."

"Would you like me to use your location?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

Three seconds later, and Siri had given us some options, saying that the Miracle Mile was one of the best places.

"Okay, take us there."

It took ten minutes to get us there because of traffic, and even longer to find a parking place but we eventually got it. I was looking forward to some time with my boyfriend without being recognized. Hopefully.

Adam opened my door and took my hand. We put on our shades and walked into the mall, which was really more like an indoor city.

"Where should we go first?" Adam asked, just as awestruck as me.

"Uh, some kind of clothing store?"

He nodded and we took off, ending up outside some expensive, Hot Topic/American Eagle/Urban Outfitters/Nordstrom complex. We spent a good twenty minutes in there, and Adam bought a pair black fingerless gloves with white studs on them.

"Like you need another pair," I joked. "What does that make it?"

"Fifteen," Adam said smugly.

Three hours later, arms laden with bags, we stopped at a French drink shop that was basically a glorified Starbucks, but a million times better. Adam ordered a French vanilla iced coffee, and I went with a double-chocolate mocha.

We sat down at a small table near the back, sipping our drinks and enjoying the sounds of the other patrons.I noticed that Adam had his gaze flicking around the room and out the glass walls. I reached my hand across.

"Hey, calm down and enjoy it, okay? The chances of someone actually noticing us is like, next to nothing."

He exhaled and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "You're right. Sorry. So, where should we go next?"

"Hmm... let's just walk and see what happens?"

So, we did, checking out many stores. I was so happy and content to be with Adam that I didn't really care about where we went or what we did, but he seemed to have a certain destination, to which he tugged me to.

"Ah, damn!" He hissed, and pulled me to his side.

"What?" I was tripping trying to keep up with his stride.

"Paps. How'd they even recognize us?"

"Maybe I should dye my hair?"

A humorous smile tugged at his pink lips. "Nah, don't do that. Your red hair is beautiful."

"So is yours babe, if you ever just let it come through again."

"Doubtful. Now, pay attention."

I smirked and looked up to see that he had brought me to a jewelry store, and not just any, but Tiffany.

"Adam," I breathed. "Why are we here?" I was suddenly nervous, and looked over my shoulder at about five, tourist-y looking people who were snapping our picture.

What if he's picking out...a...ring?

Adam just grinned. "I have something I want to buy you, but I want to make sure you like it."

"Ohhh...'k." I forced my face to remain stoic and let him tug me into the store.

I tugged self-consciously at my shorts. "Um, babe, I'm not really dressed for this..." I whispered, leaning closer to Adam.

"Nix, if you buy something from Tiffany, they don't care if you walk in in your sweats."

With an appreciative giggle, we cruised through the store until we neared the back and Adam pointed into a glass case.

"That one. I thought of you when I saw it..."

"When did you see it before?" I asked before looking down. "Oh, wow."

( Dun dun dunnn! ;P Haha cliffhanger! Sorry I haven't updated for a little while-I'm SO sick :/ Something is running through the cast of the show I'm in and sadly, I could not avoid it.

Hope you guys enjoyed it and thanks for the reads!

As always I'll see you in the next chapter!


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