Never Let You Go

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I would have to tell him. It was the only thing that had me acting this way: fear. Not even in the moment had I been that scared but when I woke was another story. I didn't see Adam's face, I saw his: that man.

It's okay-it was Adam, Nix. Adam. Your amazing boyfriend who would never hurt you.

I jumped when a sleek black car pulled up to the curb beside me and the driver emerged.

"Nix," Adam said breathlessly. I blushed to find the small marks my teeth had left on his skin, the fact that he was wearing the clothes from the night before and his hair was a mess.

"Are you alright?"

I shied away from his touch without thinking, and hurt flashed over his face.

"Yeah, Adam I'm fine. I'm sorry, hope I didn't make us late for the plane."

Adam shook his head, stepping back, acknowledging my want for space. "Uh, no we've got about an hour. I packed some of your stuff for you...I hope that's okay."

"Of course."

He opened the car door for me and I silently got in, dreading the ride back, let alone the impending plane flight.

"Nix, like I said, I get if you don't want to talk about it right now, but please know that I want to help you."

I stiffened and leaned away from him. "I know. Not now, though."

Adam murmured something I couldn't hear and sat back in his seat.

My heart pined for him but my mind refused to show regret or affection. Obviously, last night hadn't gone the way Adam had planned. Knowing him, he probably expected to wake up beside me this morning, have round two, then beg me to let him make us breakfast in bed.

And maybe someday I would comply, but for now...

Back at the hotel, the bellhops arranged our luggage onto carts and we followed them out. I was sad to say goodbye to the suite-I would probably never set foot in it again.

Adam's phone wouldn't stop ringing as we walked and I felt my blood pressure rise with every step.

"Who else will be on the plane?" I asked, still avoiding touching Adam.

"Just us." He said. "If- if that's OK."


We didn't say a word on the drive to the airport, where the red jet awaited us. Surprisingly, there were no bystanders, which made us both relax.

It was fifteen minutes before the plane started to pick up speed down the runway, and another ten before I turned to Adam, who had taken the seat across the aisle from me.

"Adam," I said, hoping my voice sounded clear and confident. "Can I talk to you now?"

Adam set aside his phone at once and put his full attention on me. "Of course."

I got up and walked slowly to the couch and Adam did the same, watching me closely. He sat on my left and I took a breath, annoyed that it held a shake to it.

"Listen, I wasn't angry about last night. I...I was...scared." The last word broke off and I looked down at my hands.

"Why?" Adam asked softly, tilting his head to catch my eye.

Oh, god. This was going to be one of the most difficult things I'd done in my life. There was no way I was going to get through this without crying.

"Wh-when I was 15, Adam, I was leaving school late and on my way home I noticed someone was following me."

"He wouldn't stop. Even when I started to run, he caught up with me and dragged me into an alley. He didn't want my money or my phone. But he got what he wanted."

  Adam's eyes widened: he knew where this story was going already.  

The sob cracked free like an iceberg splitting in two. I curled in on myself, unable to contain the memory. It burned fresh in my mind like the day it had happened.

"Oh my god...Nix..." Adam whispered, he reached his hand out but then stopped, unsure if he should touch me. "Baby, I am so,so sorry. If I had known...and damn that guy! I'd kill him if-"

I threw myself into Adam's arms, crying hysterically. He buried his face into my hair and whispered soothing words.

"I didn't want you to think I was...unclean or messed up." I admitted tearfully, hiccuping.

"Nix! Why would you ever even imagine that I would think of you like that?! I love you, Phoenix, more than life itself. Nothing you say or do, or anything that has happened to you, could ever change my mind about that. That was not your fault. That guy has to live with what he did for the rest of his life. And whatever higher being there may be Up There he'll answer to in the worst way possible. And he'll deserve every single fucking second of it."

I kept my forehead against his chest, focusing on his heartbeat, on the patterns his long fingers were tracing on my back. His voice growing huskier as it wavered in tone, strong but full of emotion.

"I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again, Nix. I swear to you. I promise. As long as I'm breathing. I've told you I'd never let you go."

This made a fresh wave of tears flood over me. No one had ever said something like to me with such conviction in their voice.

He had me believing.

"I love you," I said, shutting my eyes.

"I love you too, baby girl."

And he hugged me until all my broken pieces began to stitch back together.

(Hey there, readers. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. The picture above (credit goes to artist)  really inspired me so I thought of something to match it-because it's so true, isn't?

  Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

 Random update: I dyed my hair silver!! Just like Adam did a few years, though now it's looking a bit more like the pewter silver/gray he currently has because the sun screwed it up! Grr! But I love it and it looks fricken awesome!

Anyway, thanks for over 4k reads!! Please vote! Even if you're just stopping by- I love the encouragement :)

As always I will see you in the next chapter!



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