Bottom of the Bottle Hits

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Adam's POV

I was left standing alone in the dark, staring at the door Sauli had just slammed and I knew nothing would ever be the same again. This must be what Nix had been worrying over with us; and now I understood. I'd just lost my best friend, and if Nix and I didn't work out then I doubted Sauli would ever take me back and I didn't blame him. I wouldn't deserve it.

So I'd either just set myself for an amazing relationship with Nix, or a life filled with regret and loneliness over losing my two best friends. Calling Nix was not something I could handle just then. Part of me wanted company, but mostly I wanted to be by myself.

And maybe drink myself into oblivion.

The cabinets were flung open and crashed against each other as I whirled around looking the tequila I kept on hand. I eventually found it on a shelf only I could reach. Foregoing a glass and just threw it back, grimacing at the burn. This was the expensive stuff that would get me going sooner than anything else. The shuddering sobs wracked me before I'd barely had more than a few sips, and I slipped to the floor against the island, bottle clenched in my hand.

Okay, deep breaths, Adam. It's not the end of the world- this had to happen because you love Nix, remember? This is for her. Sauli is a big boy, he can handle it.

Aside from the fact that he knows about four other people and is a stranger in this city. He could be wondering around the city alone, not even with a jacket or an umbrella or anything-

I took another long drink, tilting my head back and grimacing as the heat rushed through me, leaving a chill behind, reminding me of the feeling of going outside in the winter while chewing peppermint gum.

Maybe leaving for a while to cool off and let Sauli collect his stuff would be best, so I struggled to my feet, numbly grabbing my keys and clutching the bottle close. The spare key was under the mat (Sauli was too short to reach the porch light where I used to keep it.)

I climbed into the Mustang and whipped out of the garage, sipping from the bottle every few seconds. It was reckless and I knew it, but liquid courage made me feel invincible. Nix would be so pissed at me...

The buzzing started in my head and I squeezed my eyes shut for a minute, swerving to avoid running into the shoulder. The tires kicked up some dirt and gravel and I swore, jerking the wheel to the side. The city lights were getting annoying and too bright, but I was already on the main drag; too late to turn around. At a stoplight, I ran a hand through my hair, spiking it up in a mess and drained the last of the tequila.

"Ah, damn." I hissed and began looking around for the liquor store, spotted it across three lanes, and whipped the wheel to the left. With barely a glance in the rear-view mirror, I gunned it, earning some blaring horns and middle fingers.

I didn't quite make the green light on my left turn, but what the hell.

The AC cooled off my fevered skin and I blinked in the harsh lighting, but made my way to the back aisle, grabbed a bottle of vodka and the cheap tequila that would get me drunk the fastest, and then went to check out. Combined with the tears and the alcohol, I was sure I looked like a mess.

The checkout girl was cute and flirted with me but I ignored her past a polite smile and a quiet "Thanks."

I sat in the car for several moments, downing the vodka like it was water. I didn't know what was wrong with me! I couldn't remember the last time I'd drunk this much this furiously. But I was feeling it. Before I knew it, the car was out of the lot and speeding back down the street, without a solid destination. Horns followed me, and soon, the sirens and blue lights appeared in my mirror. I swore continuously under my breath, managing to cap the bottle and stow it under the passenger seat while pulling to the shoulder.

I parked and dug into my pocket for my wallet while the officer sauntered up, flashlight in hand, and tapped on my window. I rolled it down and gave the officer a wan smile.

"Sir, do you-"

"Know how fast I was driving?" I interrupted in a mocking voice. "Yeah, I did. I'm trying to get somewhere."

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. "Where, exactly? Jail? I need to see your license and registration, please."

It was hard to resist the temptation to bring out the infamous line, "Do you even know who I am?"

He made me take a Breathalyzer test, which obviously didn't come back too well- .09. Dammit. Past the legal amount. DUI, here I come.

He found the tequila and vodka, cuffed me (really? Was that necessary?) and stuffed me into the back of the cruiser while he locked up my Mustang.

I laid my head back against the gross leather seat and shut my eyes, listening to the officer chattering away on his radio.

(Hey Glamberts! This is the last bit I've written for this particular situation, so it will probably be a little while before another update :/ I actually have most of the story planned out, and a lot of the middle and ending written already, so it's just a matter of writing the bridging bits! Thanks again to everyone for reading, commenting, and voting, I love and appreciate every single one! Glitter on!)

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