Caught Off Guard

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L.A was hot. SO hot. Constantly. My New England blood boiled and I was gross and sweaty all the time.

Adam was busy for most of the days now, but Paris was finally back home from touring with Andy on a short burst of concerts in Canada, so we hung out a lot. I introduced her to Ashley and the three of us managed to have until our guys were home.

On a Thursday morning, Adam knocked on my door and called softly to me. I didn't usually get up at the same as him anymore, so I was a little concerned. Getting up and opening the door found Adam half dressed.

"What?" I asked, worried.

"Will you come to work with me today? I mean, if you want to."

I let the words sink into my tired brain. "Uh, sure!"

"Great!" He beamed. "You got 45 minutes to shower and change. There's food there."

I groaned, but hurried off to get ready.


The smugness rolling off of Adam made me snicker. I kinda loved it though. I loved having someone so protective and proud of me, while at the same time not being overbearing.

 He held my hand in the car, held it on the way into the studio and only let go to open doors for me.

I set my head high and was welcomed warmly with hugs. A lot of the people I'd met before, but just like everything now I was being introduced as the girlfriend of the "suddenly bisexual" popstar.

Adam was right; there was catered food set out on two card tables.

"Oh, so this is why you're never hungry when you come home, huh?" I chastised. Adam gave me a puppy dog look over his granola bar. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"So, Adam, I was thinking we could work on "There I Said It," and "Evil In The Night?"" Daniel, Adam's music producer suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good. Is everyone here and warmed up?"

Daniel nodded. "Yep. Start in fifteen?"


Adam turned to me and put his hands on my hips. "So, if you get bored you can leave, but I thought maybe you'd like to see how things work."

"No, I'm totally excited! And "Evil In the Night", huh?" I cocked an eyebrow.

Adam blushed. Like, actually blushed. "Yeah...I think you'll like it.

"I bet I will," I winked. A couple of weeks ago, when we'd been in the middle of an intense MOS, Adam had muttered something about making me "evil in the night." Guess there was the connection.

"Do you want a tour?"


Adam took my hand and led me around the studio, showing me the room where the instruments were kept, the "disco room" (which was just a small room housing an old couch, a mini fridge, and a microwave.) When we reached a deserted hall, Adam playfully pushed me against the wall, arms by shoulders and blocking me in.

"Adam!" I hissed through my giggles. "What are you doing?!"

He smirked and pressed his lips to mine in a fever. I opened my mouth and wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping him close. He groaned low in his throat, molding his body with mine and moving his hand to the nape of my neck.

I didn't pull away, even though I should have.

Adam broke from my mouth and brushed his lips below my ear, his soft, ticklish breath sending jolts through me. My lungs gasped in air and a moan escaped.

There goes my upper hand.

Adam chuckled and suddenly his mouth was back on mine, hot, hungry, animistic. I could barely comprehend what was happening- my brain was fuzzy and my body was numb, acting without me.

"Hey, Ad- whoaaa, uh. Sorry."

We jumped apart at the voice. I was mortified and turned my head away, my cheeks hot. Adam ran a hand through his ruffled hair.

"Yeah, uh, be right there, Dan."

Daniel gave us a wink and left. I let out a sigh.

"Maybe we shouldn't do that again."

"Nah, they'll get over it. Besides; it was fun." He winked.

"We'll see." I teased, tossing him a flirty grin.

We went back to the recording room and I sat on the gray couch, watching and listening to Adam and the band do a quick warm up all together. I suddenly became insanely sad that Tommy wasn't here anymore, but I was happy that he had a band all to himself. But touring wouldn't be the same without him.

Once warmed up, Adam put on headphones and stepped up to the mic, making a few gestures to Dan in the control booth.

"You say you want to know the truth but you can't take it

So I keep it inside

I keep it inside..."

My jaw dropped at his voice. Everything was still quiet, all eyes on Adam.

When he reached the chorus, there were tears in my eyes at the majesty of his voice.

"So There I Said It!

And I won't apologize to you anymore

'Cause I'm a grown-ass man

And I don't understand why I should be livin' in your shadow

So There I Said It!"

His tone skyrocketed and his shut his eyes, raising a hand to help keep on key, his mouth opened wide to hit just the right note. I dabbed at my eyes and sniffed as silently as possible. Without a word, Dan handed me a box of tissues from under the table.

When the song ended, Adam put the headphones around his neck and looked over to us.

"How'd that sound?"

Daniel nodded approvingly. "It came in well. Let me check the gate though."

Adam caught sight of me and flashed a smile before his face fell into a worried mask. You okay? He asked in sign language.

Yes, I signed back. We'd both learned some sign language while Sauli was still learning English and we were practicing Finnish. Neither of us was very good anymore, but we could keep up a short conversation.

After checking over the recording, Dan and Adam decided it was perfect and Adam got ready to add the backing vocals.

I loved listening to his vocal range, he went nearly an octave and a half lower in places than his main vocal.

He closed his eyes again, snapping his fingers, tongue darting to lick his lips.

I smiled so huge my cheeks started to hurt, and settled back to watch my boyfriend do what he did best.

(Hey Glamberts! I think this is one of my longest chapters in a while! And there will either be another update tonight or tomorrow! All of this I pre-wrote a long time ago on paper, so it will take time trying to go over my tired handwriting and copying it down and fixing it and blah blah blah. I may actually be able to break it into three decently long chapters. Then the REAL fun starts ;P I'm sure this boring filler is getting to ya, but I need stuff to help build into the rest of the story, and if I wasn't so eager to get to the huge part I wrote a few months back, I would go into more detail leading up to it. Maybe I will go back and add stuff in the future, so if I do I will let you all know, but for now- this is what I've got!

Hope y'all liked the fluff ;) I know I did!

 Thanks for over 1k reads! It may not seem like a lot but man- when I started this just for the heck of it I NEVER thought I would ever get that many! TYSM!

 As always, don't forget to vote and comment!

 I will see you in the next chapter! Bye-bye!


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