A Lot Less Shirt...

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  "So, are you still serious about wanting to look for a vacation place somewhere?" I asked Adam as we folded laundry in the living-room.

He nodded. "Yeah, totally. I think I still have those listings that are open, but you should start looking too. I want you to be happy."

It was still processing through my mind that Adam loved me like this. Anything to make me happy. He would turn the world upside down to entertain me, reorder time to make a minute last an hour, and all I could do was exist. Nothing special and nothing spectacular; just little old me.

This overwhelming thought hit me and the wave of lethargy slowed my to a stand still. I dropped the shirt I was folding and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked, watching me closely.

I nodded. "Uh, yeah."

"Do you feel okay?"

"Mm hm."

Adam didn't take this as my real answer, and studied me from the corner of his eye. Then, he cleared his throat.

"Nix, I need to ask you something."

I didn't look up. "OK."

"Hey," He caught my eye and I knew he was serious. "Please stop a minute."


He looked awkward but determined, and plowed on. "The other night-"

I winced. "The other night" had come to mean our last night in Vegas.

Adam continued. "Um, we didn't, ah, have any...we didn't use..."

I blushed. Why did this feel like "the talk" you get when you're like 12??

"Ha, yeah...so, I'm guessing what you are worried about is..."

Adam nodded but then quickly added, "But I mean, not that worried. It's not like I'd be all freaked out or angry or anything. Please don't think that's what I'm saying-"

"Ad, I get it. But..." I glanced at the pile of clothes. "If...if so, it's still too soon to tell. I'm sorry."

Adam took my hand and pulled me towards him. "Babe, don't be sorry! I just told you that no matter what it doesn't change how I feel about you. How I will always feel about you."

I blushed and hugged him, feeling a strange warmth spread through me.

A little copy of me and Adam toddling through the house, bright red hair and blue eyes and freckles along their nose. With Adam's voice and my walk and lame sense of humor.

"Your heart is beating faster," Adam murmured, stroking my hair and a hint of laughter in his voice. I thwacked him in the stomach and went back to the laundry.

"Aw man, I thought I was gonna get somewhere with you tonight."

"Don't push it or you never will." I returned his look.

Inside though, I was really freaking out. WHY had we been so stupid?! It hadn't even crossed my mind in the moment- I'd just...given in. Like that. Unchaste, with a hot yearning and ravenousness that nothing could quench.

But just one night surely couldn't cause such...after effects, could it?

Of course it can. You know that!



"C'mon, let's order some take out and then we can look online for a place. How does that sound?"

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