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We survived the day with no major incidents and no one tried to steal Adam from me too much. Due to his schedule however, Adam would have to be at work at the studio Monday, so we had to leave the next morning.

Honestly, I wasn't too upset; this was enough of my parents for the first time in years. It was a little heartbreaking to realize that it seemed like my parents almost regretted having extending to me the invitation to come. This made my mood spiral downward quickly as they paid less and less attention to me, almost ignoring me. I mean, obviously they had to be courteous hosts and socialize with the rest of my family but seriously? It's like I was then smoke. Nobody besides my siblings and their S.Os talked to me. If anyone was close to talking to me they just ended up speaking to Adam, who held my hand under the table.

As soon as I deemed it acceptable to leave the table I did, ditching Adam where he was. For once, I really just wanted to be alone; my head was spinning from all the chaos of this weekend, not to mention... I sucked in a shaky breath. I still hadn't taken a test-I was too afraid, but I knew Adam must be just as anxious to hear the result as I was.

Jacket on, I snuck out the back door and proceeded to walk down the unfamiliar street my family now lived on. It was very residential, geared more for older couples rather than young families like our old neighborhood had been. I suppose I couldn't blame them-they weren't gonna stay young forever.

Shit. I could feel the onslaught of "what is the meaning of life" questions coming on from my whirring brain. I tried to push them away but the grim, depressing thought of mortality kept hitting me hard.

This was it. This was all I had, this was life. But there had to be more than just 'work, pay bills, die.' Adam was living the dream he had always wanted to but I wasn't sure about myself. I had a degree in something I liked doing, I had an amazing boyfriend, a great house (well, two houses), cool cars,things I otherwise would never have. All I had to do was ask Adam and he would give me anything I wanted. Sometimes that thought made me feel...weird...I was never good at accepting gifts and the way Adam spoiled me always made me unsure of what to proceed with. It was his love language, I knew, but still.

Before I knew it I was half a mile away from the house and totally lost. It didn't really worry me very much.

There was a closed coffee shop on my right across the street, a gym on my left. This had to be one of the only neighborhoods in Boston that would actually close for a national holiday-the city itself wouldn't.

I thought back to the day, years ago, In Javawocky with Amaris, the day before I left for college, a new, scary chapter in my life. Looking up to see Adam walk in, a perfect and beautiful little, dark emo angel still getting used to fame.

A smile tinted my lips. God, how my life had changed since then. From that first awkward, not quite legit interaction, to him sitting beside me at the fashion reveal, to the first kiss, to our first night together, and now to this.

I could be pregnant with his baby.

The wave of fatigue at the pure thought of it sent me careening into the side of the building and I leaned against it, breathing heavy through my nose.

Oh my god oh my god! I can't do this!

My phone buzzed and I read the message from Adam.

A_Where are you? Are you okay?

N_ yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a walk.

A_ Are you sure? Do you feel okay?

N_Yes, A, I'm fine :) I'll be home soon.

A_Okay, love you.

N_Love you too <3

Black Glitter *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now