Alone Again

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Three weeks later

London, England

Adam held my hand, resting on the table. He looked up at me from under his lashes, the faint smudges of eyeliner still visible.

"I missed you," he said quietly with a sigh.

"I missed you, too." I replied with a small smile, squeezing his hand.

The sounds of laughter, glasses clinking and the inaudible rumble of a football game from the numerous flat-screens all around were bordering on annoying, but I knew that it was the safest place for us to be. No one would expect to see Adam Lambert in a rough sports bar filled with bikers and drunks.

"I'm sorry we had to come here," Adam said as if reading my mind.

I shook my head. "No, it's fine, babe. I totally understand. It's low-key and out of the way. I'm just happy I get to see you at all before you leave tomorrow."

He gave me a wan smile, his eyes dull and tired.

"Oh, Addy, you look exhausted...stressed."

"Ha, that's because I am, baby doll. I've never wanted a tour to be over so badly before. Only getting to see you for one day hasn't been enough."

"I wish I could stay. I shouldn't have risked my sneaking over here anyway, but screw it."

"Fuck the world," Adam chuckled, echoing the sentence he'd proudly shouted from the middle of the street in Robin Hood Bay so many months ago.


We chatted for a few more minutes until our drinks were gone.

"Want another?" Adam said, motioning to my empty non-alcoholic lime mix. I nodded.

He ordered my drink as well as another Corona for himself, balancing them in his arms as he maneuvered through the people and to our table. I was getting a little concerned over how much he was drinking, what with a show the next day in Hong Kong.

Over Adam's shoulder, a jock looking dude with messy blond hair and a bottle in hand gave me a flirty smile. I returned his smile politely, out of habit, then looked away.

Adam's brows furrowed and he looked behind him towards the guy.

"Wait a minute, did that guy just smile at you?"

"Uh, no..." I lied quickly, not wanting to start a scene.

Adam set down the glasses heavily. "No, I think he did."

"So what if he did?"

"But baby, you smiled back, like you were interested."

"Adam, chill! I was just being nice," I said hotly.

"I saw it with my own eyes, though." He sighed and ran his hands over his face while I sat there, dumbfounded and confused.

"Baby," Adam whined, dragging out the word.

"Adam, you're drunk. Back off." I snapped. "I was only smiling because I feel awkward when I don't. He knows I'm here with you. I'm not about to cheat on you or something!"

"I'm not sure if you get what guys in bars are like, Nix. One smile and they think they've as good as got you home."

"You would know," I mumbled.

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