Bad Dream

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The next morning, it was hard not to rush straight to Adam to confront him, so when I checked on him and found him still asleep, I decided to hurry and talk to Leila.

My stomach was churning and the smell of sweet sausage coming from the kitchen didn't help.

Leila was standing in front of the stove, humming.

"Leila!" I said briskly.

She turned, eyebrows knitting together at my distress. "What's wrong?"

Before I could even get out another word, I was in tears. Leila hurried to my side to hold me. "Nix, what is it? Sweetie, tell me!"

I managed to spill the whole story, watching as her face fell in distraught just as much as mine did. We sat on the couch and discussed what we should do.

"Are you sure that's what he was trying to say?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes. He was awake enough to tell me. I wish I didn't, but...I believe him."

We were silent again for a while until I heard Adam's hoarse voice from upstairs. I cast Leila a nervous glance when I stood up.

"I think Tommy was right; I wouldn't talk to him about it until he feels better."

"God, that's going to be hard." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair and jogged up the stairs.

I found Adam sitting on the edge of the bed clutching his head with shoulders hunched.

"Hey, babe, you okay?" I asked.

He shook his with a moan. "I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Uh oh. Um," I did NOT handle throwing up well- it made me gag. Even if it was me who was getting sick it would just make it worse. "Okay, Addy. Uh, hang on."

I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the trashcan then returned to his side just in time to hand it to him as he heaved into it I shut my eyes and hummed a song in my head while I rubbed his back, feeling him shuddering under my touch.

"'s okay." I murmured comfortingly. Adam moaned and clutched at his ribs while sucking in shaking, lung rattling rasps.

"What the hell...?" I asked myself. Five minutes later Adam seemed like he was done so I helped him lay back against the pillows. His face was gaunt and glowing with sweat, eyes half closed. I cleaned out the trashcan, grabbed him some mouthwash, and returned to his side to feel his forehead;cold and clammy.

"Hope this is just a mild side effect," I said under my breath. I grabbed his washcloth again and pressed it to his skin to rid the sweat. I ran the cloth down his neck and and chest, doing everything I could to make him relax a little more. I rubbed the cloth behind his left ear, his favorite spot, while humming some random lullaby under my breath until Adam's eyes closed completely. I stayed for a few more minutes until he seemed totally out, then crept from the room.

I told Leila and asked if she could keep an eye for me wile I ate, showered and caught up on my work. My phone showed five messages from Jas and Casey, asking if things were okay and if I had finished our assignments. I was half in tears from exhaustion and stress, regretting my text as soon as I sent them because of my aggressive, annoyed words but didn't bother apologizing.

I managed to take a shower and eat but had to catch up on my sleep before I could do any form of homework.

It was noon before I woke up again and the stillness in the house made the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I threw back my covers and ran to Adam's room, pushing open the door to find him writhing in either pain or a nightmare.

"Adam!" I ran to his side and put one hand on his chest, the other touching his forehead. His eyes flew open with a strangled gasp and he snatched at my wrist. "Lauren! Knock it off!"

"What?? Who's Lauren? Adam?"

Adam's eyes focused on mine and he sucked in a breath then winced. "Sorry, baby...bad dream..."

"I guessed that. Are you okay? Are you hungry? You have to eat before I can give you your pain meds."

He nodded weakly. "Yeah, just a little something. I need to shower, though."

"Okay, you can after you eat because I'm not leaving you alone."

He cocked his head. "Why not?"

"Because you're an old man who might fall and break his hip."

Adam snorted. "Whatever you say, beautiful. Oh my god, what day is it? Don't you leave for Berlin soon?"

I nodded. "Yeah, tomorrow."

"Aw, I'm sorry. You must be exhausted."

I shrugged. "I can always sleep on the plane. You're more important."

He went to protest but I shushed him. "Don't move. I'll be right back up."

I returned a few moments later with a couple pieces of toast and a glass of mango juice, his favorite. I sat beside him as he ate the toast slowly, bit by bit until he finished then indicated that he was ready for a shower.

"Care to join me?" He said with a wink.

"God, you're a playboy even when you're in pain."

"You know it."

"I'll skip thanks, maybe when you feel better."

I helped him carefully take off his shirt, happy I'd given him a button down, and made sure the water was the perfect temperature before saying I would be in the bedroom in case he needed me. Adam made it into the shower without any problems.

Once out of the steamy bathroom I took out my phone and flopped onto the bed, going to Snapchat.

"Hey guys, I thought I would do another little update on how Adam is doing." I added it to my story, which had previously been empty, then started the rest of the stories. "He's doing much better, though in a little bit of pain. He's resting a lot but he's totally ready to get back at it, he's so sick of laying around. Sadly, it will be another couple of weeks before he's ready to do much of anything, let alone bounce around on a stage for you guys. He says hi, by the way. I'm flying out to Berlin tomorrow, like I said on Twitter and Facebook, so I probably won't do much on here for a little while. Thanks again for all of your support and messages, as well as fan art. There's a particular drawing I like that has the Queen crown hooked on a pair of crutches with Adam looking super pissed right beside them. That one made him laugh so hard, so shout out to the artist! Love you all!"

(Hello Glamberts! Sorry this is short, I've been writing it in basically 5-10 minute spurts between 15 minute writing sprints for NaNoWriMo! More will be coming soon!

As always I will see you in the next chapter!


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