Always For You

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Nix's POV

At 7:10 I knocked on Adam's door. It was about 15 seconds before he opened it. I was taken aback by his stunning looks, as if it were the first time seeing him. He was in lose black jeans and a purple Prince shirt, and his was in a strange mess that evidently hadn't been given more then a quick run through with a brush, or maybe even his fingers.

"Hey," I said shyly, meeting his eyes.

Adam cracked a small, tired smile. "Hi. Come on in." He stepped back for me to enter, his wonderful scent washed over me, causing me to blush.

With my back turned however, I heard the unmistakable rattle of an Altoids can, hastily trying to be kept muffled. My stomach twinged: Adam only ever ate Altoids after he'd be drinking. I made the split second decision to let it slide; of course he must have had a drink, it was a hard thing he'd had to do.

 "Purple Rain" was playing softly in the background, echoing around the house.

  I perched myself on the gray couch and he sat beside me. Close enough to not make it feel awkward but far enough that he wasn't crowding me.

"How are you?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Not bad. And yourself?"

This was so awkward! Yeah, how are you after the monumental breakup you just went through because of me? Let's discuss it, shall we?

He, too, shrugged. "'M'okay. So I know you must have some question."

I nodded twice.

Adam sighed. "Aanndd I'll try to answer them best I can."

"Okay, fair enough. So here's my first question: are you drunk?"

Oops, so much for letting it slide!

He didn't seemed surprised. "Well technically I'm hungover, but yes; I was."

Inhale, exhale. It's fine, it's okay. No big deal.


"Listen, please don't feel guilty or ashamed or whatever. This was nobodies fault, however much we're trying to pin the blame on someone. My heart chose for me when my head got too caught up. I'm in love with you in a way I no longer was with Sauli, and that's the simple truth. If things were getting stretched thin with us then there was no point in forcing it, it was time."

I ducked my head at this, focusing on his black nail-polish."Yeah..."

"Hey," he lowered his head to catch my eye and it worked. "I'm being serious. I love you, Nix. Madly. I made this choice because I knew it to be right. And even if you weren't involved in the equation or didn't want to be with me, it probably would have happened anyway."

"There's the thing," I pointed out, my voice tight. "Probably. So there still would have been a chance for you guys-"

He cut me off by taking my hand and shaking his head. "No. Nix, please. Cheer up. So right now is hard, that's okay. Everyday brings new challenges that we learn to overcome, and sure, sometimes it takes longer than usual, but bad things do end."

And so do good things...

"I'm-I'm just afraid of losing you," I muttered.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Losing me? You just got me!"

"But what if I'm not good enough for you? Or the press hates me or the Glambert's hate me or you lost interest in me or something?"

Adam brought me to him, arms tight. I gripped his flashy t-shirt and shut my eyes against the tears.

"Nixxy, you are way more than what I deserve, that's why I would be an idiot to let you go. And screw what anyone else thinks! Our happiness is worth so much more than that. And the fans will either get over it or they'll stay all uptight about it or whatever. If anything, doll, I should be the one worrying if I'm good enough for you."

He tilted my chin up so we were eye to eye, and his eyes, though slightly blood-shot, were a deep, fascinating blue, with flecks of green and gray around his irises. Like the horizon of a darkening night just before a big storm...fathomless, intimidating and comforting all at the same time. Wild, but warm. Just like his heart.

"You'll always be good for me, Adam. More than good." I whispered.

My eyes drifted shut when our lips touched and my heart began to hammer with heat and love, jumping at the fact that I could now, without fear, kiss him.

I think we were both surprised though when I pushed him to his back, keeping our lips together. Adam's hands brushed under my shirt and touched my back, sending sparks up my spine. My hands got lost in his shining silver hair, so soft that it didn't feel like a solid thing, like skimming my hand across the surface of a lake.

He moaned gently and shifted so that we were more securely positioned, broke away for a quick breath, then met my lips again with a passionate force that made me tingle. I moved my hands to his shoulders, down his chest, and to his stomach, where I pushed past his shirt and ran my hands over his chiseled muscle.

Adam sucked in a breath and I knew I had to stop soon, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep in control.

Then don't. Lose control for once. You know you want him.

I pulled back and bit my tongue, gazing down at his flushed face and sparkling eyes.

"Sorry," I croaked, embarrassed.

He let out a soft chuckle, keeping his hands firmly on my lower back. "It's okay. So am I. I shouldn't push you if it isn't what you want."

"It is what I want," I admitted. "That's the thing. But I've made a promise to myself that I don't want to break."

Adam nodded and leaned up to give me one last kiss. "And I respect that. I really do.. So don't apologize, alright?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Whatever you say."  

(Hello Glamberts! Here is a moderately interesting chapter, I hope.  This chapter is dedicated to the late, great Prince, who passed away yesterday, April 21 :( Yet again, 2016 has taken another legend from us. He was gone too soon.

 R.I.P Prince <3)

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