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Going on the record with our relationship for the first time was nerve-wracking to say the least. But it was Adam's somber manner that was really getting to me. I wanted to ignore the fact that it may have been from my story, but instead I chalked it up to his memories. Last time he'd gone on a talk show announcing he was in a relationship was when he was with Sauli.

On the plane, with only an hour left, I shot Tommy a text.

I'm freaking out, TJ!

His response came half a minute later. Always prompt.

You're going to do fine, Nixxy! Deep breaths. Remember that Adam is going to be right there with you.

I did as he said before time constraints forced me to start getting ready.

Adam was in the bedroom, being strangely quiet and this only added to my anxiety. My hands shook as I pinned up my hair into a summery chignon, applied some of the new shimmering pink lip gloss I'd bought. I touched up my concealer and reapplied my eyeliner. I usually preferred pencils or crayons over liquid because A: I was terrible at applying it, and B: It made my skin feel like someone had tried to wash it off with sandpaper when it came time to take it off.

I put on a smile in the mirror, checking my makeup at all angles and touching it up until I was satisfied. Adam had had to convince me to wear a dress, so I went with a a dark red one that had a fitted, lace bodice, thin straps, and went a tad above my knees. I paired that with red peep toes that had white ribbons cascading up my ankle. Very summery, right?

I emerged, feeling WAY too dressy and awkward, to see Adam grabbing himself a soda from the mini-fridge. I cracked a grin at his outfit: black dress shirt with the top few buttons undone, black "Dressy jeans", and a shiny red blazer over it. Yep. His shirt was literally catching the light like Swarovski diamonds. It had the faintest highlights of faded blue near the cuffs, and had the feel of an ombre sort of color design.

"Well, shoot, Adam." I chuckled, tossing my heels onto the couch. No way was I going to be wearing those longer than I had to.

Adam opened his soda, took a sip, then offered it to me.

"You like? I wanted to keep it a secret until now."

I nodded, taking the can. "I love it!"

"And you look beautiful," He said, stepping closer and reaching for my hand. I held my breath when he kissed my knuckles gently.

"A-Adam," I whispered.


"You got lip gloss on my hand."

He burst out laughing.

(Hello Glamberts! Sorry this is short- getting ready to go camping with my family this weekend so I just whipped this up. Hope it passes the test!

 I got my ear pierced  (again) yesterday! A helix ring, for those of you who don't know what that is, it's the same kind of earring Adam has in his upper left ear- same as mine :) So that's irritating me a bit currently :I

Anywho, sorry I'm bad at describing outfits, but I still don't know to add multiple pictures to a chapter! So if anyone knows how to, please let me know! Sorry/not sorry for how giant the pic below is. (But honestly, who's complaining? ;p)

Thanks for reading and voting :)

  Have a fun, safe weekend and as always, I will see you in the next chapter!



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