Again. And Again.

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His face was passive, almost as if he was wary to betray any emotion. I slunk up to him, peering at him from under my lashes.

"Love me." I whispered. I ran my hands over his chest and to the lapels of his white jean jacket. Adam's breath was starting to pick up and he bit his lip.

I grinned and pushed the jacket off of him, exposing his strong arms and intense tattoos.

"I won't beg," I said, still quiet and standing on my tip toes to reach his mouth.

Adam didn't move a muscle but he shut his eyes. I kissed the corner of his mouth ever so lightly, then pulled away before he could kiss back.

"I'll make you beg, Lambert."

He was holding back a whine, it was obvious. The bed was right on the other side of the door, but I would get him to follow me. No other way.

I slipped past him and towards the bed, shedding my loose blouse in the process.

"C'mon, Lambert. What are you afraid of? Hm?"

Adam finally turned around, his eyes were narrowed; sights set on what he now craved.

He quickly tore off his shirt and kicked away his jeans, coming to rest on his knees, sitting in front of me on the bed.

"I'm yours." he declared.

  I grinned. Damn. Never thought that would actually work.  

I let my eyes shamelessly rake over him in the dim light, and that's when the white bandages caught my sight. I stared; they were thick and wrapped almost the whole way to his elbow.

Adam froze, then started to get off the bed.

 "Adam! What the hell? What happened to you?" I gasped, reaching out to grab his uninjured wrist. He was avoiding me, still not saying anything.

 At closer inspection, it was revealed that there a dot of blood soaking through the crisp, white gauze.

Oh. Oh no.

"Adam...did you do this to yourself?" I asked gently. Nothing.

 "Adam," I said a little more forcefully. "Tell me."

 He sighed and nodded, still looking away. "Yes."

 I took a few deep breaths, attempting to remain calm.


  Everything about him changed, his posture, his tone, his expression. He was defensive, aggressive.

 "I did it because of what I said. I didn't handle it well, okay? I never meant for it to happen, it just did. I'm an adult who acted like a teenager, but I dealt with it. Let's move on."

 I nodded, having a hard time getting back into the mood but wanting to move past it.

 "One question, though,"


 "Does it hurt too much?"

 He grit his teeth, probably more out of annoyance now than actual pain. "No. I'm fine." And he resumed his spot on the bed, seeming to have relaxed. He was back in the zone already.

 I cleared my throat and nodded, my mind racing as I tried to figure out what to do next. Okay. Dominance. I got this.

Suddenly, my hands started shaking and I felt the confident smirk fade a little: Adam had always been in control.

Black Glitter *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now